Doctor Who? 'Doctor Who' is a British sci-fi TV programme produced by the BBC (Read more). I got hooked to it while I was 'supposedly' studying hard in my little cellar back in the UK. Before I headed off to Cardiff, I was so excited to find out that this exhibition was actually situated in Cardiff. It became my ultimate goal to accomplish while in Cardiff. Fortunately for me, I actually did get to see the exhibition. And what did I think of it? Well, you can read on and see parts of the exhibition yourself, then hear what I really thought of it.
Dare you enter?
The Tardis
David Tennant
有史以來最受歡迎的"博士"飾演演員 - David Tennant
Monsters and aliens
One of the most notorious aliens in the whole programme - the Daleks.
Their ultimate goal is to 'exterminate' the human race.
But the doctor always saves the day.
These are the very odd Oods.
You can never tell what year they are really in, or which world, for that matter.
一個讓你搞不清楚到底是哪個時代、哪個世界的奇妙世界。 K-9
The automaton pet - K-9 (canine)
機器人寵物狗 K-9(與英文犬類同音)
Another ultimate automaton alien - the Cybermen. Their goal is to transform all human beings into cybermen by eliminating all human emotions. But, you already know - the doctor always saves the day.
(If you happen to be a big-time Doctor Who fan, you will not be disappointed. The admission is not too expensive, either, so it's totally worth it!)