Who is Samuel Johnson? I'll bet not many people know his contribution to the English speaking world. We are looking at the house of the person who put together the VERY FIRST English dictionary! All of you who have ever even touched a dictionary, whether Merriam Webster, Longman, Cambridge, or even the mighty OED, have Johnson to thank for it!
Samuel Johnson到底是誰啊?我想應該沒有很多人知道他對英語世界的貢獻吧!這個家的主人呢,就是寫出有史以來第一本英文字典的偉人啊!即使你只是輕輕地觸摸過一本字典,無論是Merriam Webster, Longman, Cambridge或是神聖的OED,都要記得這一切都是拜Johnson所賜啊!
'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.'
Everything Johnsonian.
Right across from Johnson's is his contemporary, Boswell.
Who let the dog out? 誰把狗放出來啦?
Hodge is Johnson's dog... Hogde是Johnson的狗
As I was running late for my other plans, and out of budget for admission fees, this is all I saw.