It had long been on my mind, that one day I was going to turn my pictures into postcards, and see how they turn out. This Christmas, I got tired of the commercial cards. Yes, some of them are really nice, but I wanted my friends to have something unique, and really 'me'. As I searched on the web, I found a relatively reasonable priced postcard printer, and started to print out my Christmas postcards. I picked out some of the shots that stand out the most, taken both in the UK and in Taiwan. After they were completed, I got the result within a week. Then, I thought, why not make a set of 'London Paddington' postcards, too? So I did, and voila! Here they are:
They have a very user-friendly platform. 編輯平台很容易上手
The result is rather satisfying, considering the price range.
Pretty pleased with the result! 這樣的成果還挺滿意的!
I think the bear brothers are pretty pleased, too. 熊兄弟好像也挺滿意的~
VOW was the printer. 這句翻成英文會有顏色...