This is Buckingham Palace! Recall what I said before, that I lost all the photos I had taken on my first day? Well, I came here on my first day in London, and caught the changing of the guards. I made sure I did, so that I could have the photos and keep for all eternity. You can imagine how devastated I was when I discovered I had so stupidly deleted all the photos!
But I think God showed a lot of mercy towards me. Even though I will never be able to get those photos back, in some ways, I think I might have gotten even better photos on this second trip.
It was rather witty of me to have left enough time for another quick trip around this area to re-take the photos.
The Union Jack's afloating, meaning the Queen's gone out!
If you've seen your share of statues, you'll soon be able to tell from Elizabeth I from Victoria, too.
This, is Queen Victoria, of course. 這,當然是維多利亞囉!
And a memorial of Princess Diana. 還有記憶黛安娜王妃的~
to be continued...