Marble Arch is located right across from Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. Designed by John Nash in 1828, it was based on the Roman triumphal arch of Constantine. It was first erected elsewhere, and only moved to its current location in 1855.
這座大理石拱門就位於海德公園的Speakers' Corner對面。由John Nash於1828年設計,是以羅馬康斯坦丁的勝利拱門為設計範本。最初的設立地點並不是現在的所在地,而是在1855年才搬來這裡的。
Can you believe that there are three small rooms in here that used to serve as a police station until 1950? Another trivia is that some of the sculptures here ended up in the National Gallery because of the designer's financial problems.
你相信這裡面會有三間房間嗎?以前這小房間是用來當小警局用的。另外一則小知識就是,因為設計師後來經濟狀況亮紅燈,所以許多雕像最後都落到National Gallery裡了呢~
These are the intricate designs I've mentioned before (in case anyone recalls).
This massive work of art sits so still in the midst of the hustle and bustle of mid-town London.
Even the pigeon finds it an ideal place to rest on.
It is not alone~
Take the tube and get off at Marble Arch, before heading off to a day of shopping on Oxford Street, or strolling in Hyde Park. It's a pity to miss such a beautiful piece of art.
搭乘倫敦地鐵,在Marble Arch站下車。在去Oxford Street血拼之前,或是去海德公園悠閒過一整天之前,就順道來這欣賞一下。不看有點可惜呢!