I guess, this is what they call 'like teacher, like student.' I've told this early pint story to many, and everyone found it absolutely astounding that we would go for a pint at 10am (beating my previous record of drinking at noon). The story goes: P takes me for a walk around the city. After about half an hour or so, we stopped across from a building when Paul said to me, 'This pub is quite special. It's built in Victorian style...etc...' Then after about five seconds of silence, and me taking the silence as a photo op, he continued... 'So? What do you think? How about a drink?' I looked him in the eye, then glanced at my watch, then walked into the pub with him...
我想這就是正所謂的『有其師必有其徒』吧!這個故事不管跟誰說,誰都會覺得很不可思議!在此之前,我的紀錄是中午才碰"麥茶",沒想到在這竟然也有這種紀錄可以破!當天的情形是這樣的:P帶著我走著走看看不同的景色。約半小時後我們停在一棟建築物對面,他便對我說:這棟建築物很有意思!是維多利亞風格的巴拉巴拉巴拉... 。接著是冷場五秒左右。我以為P是給我機會拍張照,沒想到他接著說:怎麼樣?進去喝一杯吧!我睜大眼睛看著他,又看了看手錶... 然後就走了進去.......XD
Bar 吧檯
Empty pub (of course! it's only 10am!) 空無一人(廢話!才十點啊!)
Is this Victorian style, too?
Another good chat over beer.
But 10am is still much too early for me, thus the half-pint.
Wisdom on a coaster