
P had been such a wonderful host. I really think he had done more than he needed. What I enjoyed more about spending time with western host is their directness. Sometimes the orient can be a little too concerned with pampering their guests. This can often times make your hospitality become a burden. The reason I mention this, is because when I insisted on visiting the castle, P asked me to do the tour on my own, which was completely fine. Although I felt a little guilty since he'd have to find something to do to kill the time, I thought it worked out for the best - he got some time to catch up his own errands, and I got to see the castle. 



Are you envious of Hogwarts students, who get to live in old castle buildings? Well, tell you what, you can be envious of students of Durham University as well. Because one of the buildings of this castle, is student hall... 



If I remember correctly, it's that round building. The student hall, that is. 



Pictures were not allowed, so this was the only shot I managed to take sneakily.


It was not a very long tour, but it's a strange feeling to see a castle put into use like this one. Mind you, this is property of Durham University. 



This marks the end of my Durham tour. I am fully appreciative of P and his wife's hospitality. When P was getting ready to walk me to the train station to see me off, he offered to carry my 5kg backpack. It was good training for me, so I didn't really want him to carry it for me, but both P and his wife insisted. P said he would've carried it for me when I arrived had he realised how heavy it was. (It's a 15 minute walk, up and down hill, from his house to the train station) I think there is a reason why some teachers will always have a secure place in your memory, and influence your way of thinking and behaving for the remainder of your life. 

德倫之旅就在這畫下了句點。對於P以及師母的招待,豈能是一兩句謝謝就能夠表達到位?(那三句夠嗎?)P正要送我走去車站時,自告奮勇地說要幫我背那5kg的背包。那背包對我來說是個很好的訓練體力的工具,而我也不好意思請他老人家幫我背。但是師母跟P都很堅持不讓我碰自己的背包(綁架啊!)P還說,我剛抵達的時候若有發現我背包這麼重,來的路上就會幫我背了!(從他家到車站距離約十五分鐘–坡路!) 我想有些老師會永遠的存活在我們的記憶裡,影響我們後半輩子的思考以及行為,不是沒有原因的。

 天仙念:不知道有多少人為了「住城堡」,而申請來唸德倫大學 XD


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