Rumor has it that the young Spanish footballer, Fernando Torres, currently playing for Atletico Madrid is about to sign a contract with Liverpool Football Club. This is just an article hoping that he would sign the contract. Even if by signing the contract, he won't be playing for Liverpool till 2009, you know what I think: Once a fan of Liverpool Football Club, always a fan of Liverpool Football Club.
世界杯的球隊,我支持的隊伍有英國[*英格蘭隊。謝謝蔓的指正。]和西班牙。對西班牙國家隊的支持其實是因為足球王子Raul。但,運動明星總是禁不起歲月的考驗。出場的時間簡直少的跟什麼一樣。但他還是一樣很帥耶。而且,也因為這樣,讓我認識了接下來要介紹的這位:Fernando Torres。

Club: Atlético Madrid
Position: Striker
Birthday: March 20, 1984