
One uneventful evening, while on my way home after an ordinary private tutor session, I was somehow driven towards finding a Sherlock Holmes book to occupy my free times in the mornings.  While I strolled into the Eslite across from National Taiwan University, I was extremely disturbed by the fact that I could not readily find any copy of Holmes.  After some ten-minute search, I finally found a decent copy - The Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Modern Man Library. 


  [Image from]

I have known Holmes since childhood.  But I'm afraid the acquaintance was mediocre.  For those books were abridged, and worse, translated.  Then, of course, I found him again in excerpts in my eighth grade literature book.  After a few years, I began tutoring students with adequate reading abilities to read abridged classics.  I had the pleasure to join in his adventures once again.  Then, a couple of years after dating a very knowledgeable gentleman, I had the opportunity to get to know this reputable detective through the phenomenal performance of Jeremy Brett. 

相信許多人都與我一樣,從小就聽說過這位偉大的偵探與他的醫生好友。不過童年讀的不過只是簡短版,而且還是中文的。到了junior high,終於有機會讀到原著。但可惜的是,還是一小段文字而已。大學畢業之後,教了幾年美語,終於讓我有機會教導一些閱讀能力足以閱讀簡短版的原文經典小說的學生。此時,又讓我再次有機會閱讀福爾摩斯的故事。又在此時,與一位博學多問的紳士交往幾年後,讓我有榮幸能夠透過Jeremy Brett的演出讓我能夠真正認識這位傳奇人物。

But I must admit that up to this point, never had I given myself the change to read the original writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 

可是在此之前,我卻從來都沒有正式的認識Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 筆下的福爾摩斯。

After having devoured both the Adventures AND the Memoirs, I craved for more.  To my astonishment, it was not an easy mission.  I wished to peruse the Return of Sherlock Holmes, Study in Scarlet, Sign of Four, and The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes.  Yet, I could only find one or two that would be readily available if I were to order them online.  Others, I had to wait.  


I waited till the weekend, and went down to Bookman, which has a reputation for a superb collection of literary and language related books.  Again, I was disappointed.  However, I still walked out of the bookstore with a copy of Oxford University Press's Study in Scarlet.  Then I walked over to Eslite once more, in hope of being able to find a better bargain, for 'Scarlet' was quite above my budget.  What was I to find there, but a Collector's Library version of the Case Book of Sherlock Holmes.


[Image from Oxford University Press]

  [Image from]

With both books way beyond my original budget, I went home quite satisfied with the result of my book-hunt.


Sunday was quite uneventful.  Rather than allowing myself to be seduced by the idiot box, I got my lazy bum out of the house and went downtown with my two newly acquired Holmes.  Imagining that I would buy a couple of donuts and a coffee, I was rather excited to be reading Holmes out in the sun, breathing fresh air, whilst listening to some Yehudi Menuhin. 


Of course, a trip downtown was always a hassle for me.  It costs a fortune to get there by cab, and it is extremely time consuming to get there by public transport.  Knowing that I am also a bit claustrophobic, you would probably understand why on occasions, I'd rather spend a fortune than suffocate myself in the subterranean transport system.  Therefore, I had to make every trip downtown worthwhile.  That means, as always, a trip to Page One.

不過你要知道,每一次去市中心對我來說都是一件艱辛萬苦之事。搭乘小黃嘛~貴!搭乘大眾運輸工具嘛~人擠人的!你知道我就是怕人擠人。不難想像若我錢包有多餘的銀子,我一定選擇搭乘小黃,不讓自己受罪。但無論如何,每一次我都不會讓自己白跑一趟。要直回票價,就表示一定得去Page One晃晃。

What should I find there, but a set of Barnes and Noble Classics of The Complete Sherlock Holmes!  Readily available!  At an absolutely bargaining price of 296NT per book [comes in two volumes].  The best part was that, as cheap as it was, English books happened to be on sale!  Once in a blue moon, I have actually gotten a better deal  here than the other bookstores! 

在那,我終於找到了!兩本完全收錄的福爾摩斯。每一本的價格只有296,而且破天荒的竟然連Page One也在打折!這次我竟然在全台北市最貴的書店裡找到了這麼划算的書。真是難得一見呀。

[Images from]

So now that I have come to a complete satisfaction over my little book hunt, I must spend sometime to discuss my reflections upon the different versions.


The Modern Man's Library version seems a good place to start for first-time readers.  It is rather well annotated, so as to give the reader who has not yet come to a good understanding of Holmes' time a good supplement. 

Modern Man's Library 是個不錯的開端。因為裡頭包含了重要細節的解說。如果是第一次閱讀福爾摩斯,這將會是一個很不錯的選擇。你能夠很輕鬆的就上手。

The Oxford version is only recommended if the reader should chose to do an extremely detailed study of the author, the character[s], and historical backgrounds. 


The Collector's Library version is only good for its portable size.  This is also a good version for a 'collection'.  Other than that, I wouldn't recommend it.  For, with the exact content, you could easily purchase a cheaper copy.

The Collector's Library 版本唯一的好處就是好攜帶。而且如果只是要拿來收藏的話,也是個不錯的選擇。因為他的外觀真的很有質感。但是同樣的價錢,能夠買到更便宜的版本,內容也不變,為何要折磨自己的荷包呢!?

Last, but certainly not least, my highly recommended version, the Barnes and Noble Classics of The Complete Sherlock Holmes.  Why, with all the money I had spend buying the previously mentioned copies, I could buy myself another set!  Why not?  If you feel inclined towards this version, then no doubt you have already had some background to help you gain a better understanding of Holmes and the stories themselves.  If that is true, then I wouldn't worry about the notes.  For I have found while perusing 'Scarlet' that if I engage myself with flipping back and forth to the notes and the story, I'd soon lose interest in the story itself.  That is part of the reason why I only recommend the Oxford version if the reader were to engage in a detailed examination of the work. 

最後,這個Barnes and Noble Classics 版本就是我要大力推薦的版本。因為兩本加起來的價錢,都還不到之前提到那三個版本加起來的價格呢!如果你已經對福爾摩斯有初步的認識,這一本是絕對的選擇。因為我發現當我閱讀Oxford出版的版本時,反覆的從故事翻到註解,看完註解,又回到故事:在這樣的過程中,我很容易就對故事本身失去興趣。也因為如此,該版本我只推薦給需要深入研究的讀者們。

Now, finally, I can sit back and enjoy my adventures with Holmes to my heart's content.  Let me just state one more thing as a conclusion: there is nothing more enjoyable than reading the adventures of Holmes and Watson, while sipping away a decent cup of coffee [or tea], with some violin sonata playing by the ears.



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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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