Standing across from the main entrance to St Augustine's Abbey, on a patch of land called Lady Wootton Green, are two statues of King Ethelbert and Queen Bertha. The unique thing about these two statues is the exquisite details of each and every part. From the upper and lower torsos, to the clothes and accessories on them, no detail went unnoticed. It's definitely worth taking some time to examine.
King Ethelbert was king of Kent from 580 or 590 until his death. He was the first king to convert to Christianity. The eighth century historian also referred to him as the third king to hold imperium over the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
於St. Augustine Abbey入口正對面,有一片地叫做Lady Wootton Green。這裡有兩座雕像-Ethelbert國王與他的皇后Bertha。這兩座雕像特別的地方在於它們精準的雕刻。每個細節都非常有看頭。除了人物的身體本身之外,身上的衣服以及配件都相當的細緻。如果經過,真的值得花點時間好好用眼睛品嘗一下這兩座雕像!
Queen Bertha. Bertha皇后
Bible in hand. 手裡拿著聖經
A statue full of 'life' (sounds a bit creepy...) 具有活力的雕像(感覺怪怪的)
King Ethelbert. Ethelbert國王
Sword by his side. 手裡握著劍
Little sack. 小包包
Detail explanation of the work. 詳細說明
Queen Bertha's. 皇后也有
天仙念:這裡其實不難找。因為坎特伯里本來就不大。只要找的到St. Augustine's Abbey其實就可以找的到。看個雕像不用花費多少時間,不過這麼細緻的藝術品,錯過實在有點可惜。