

The church bells summoned the good weather last Sunday.  After noticing how wonderful the weather was, I decided that it was too good a day to waste away staying indoors.  It gets cold and wet during the week for days on end.  However, I have been lucky, because ever since I got here, the weather was always pleasant on weekends.

教堂正面 Front entrance of the cathedral

The top resembles the appearance of a crown.  It could also be interpreted as the crown of thorns of Jesus during his crucifixion

這就是我的周日鬧鐘。My Sunday alarm at work.

這間教堂是天主教教堂。圖片中看到正好與這間教堂對立的是英國國教教堂。入夜後會有一盞綠色的雷射光線對照。對當地人來說,他們很自豪的就是這裡的兩個基督教分派可以和平相處。這歸功於某位大主教[不過我忘了,抱歉...]。另外值得一提的是連結這兩間教堂的街道名叫做:『希望之街』[Hope Street]。某位英國朋友說,那道雷射光的功用是在於喝醉的時候可以幫你找到回家的路...哈哈!

This is a Catholic cathedral.  In the picture above, stands the local Anglican cathedral.  Once night falls, the two buildings shine a ray of green laser beam towards each other.  The locals are proud of their peaceful history between the two branches of Christianity.  This is the result of the effort of one of the archbishops, whose name I have unfortunately forgotten.  The street that connects these two cathedrals is called 'Hope Street'.  There cannot be a more suitable name than that.  According to one of my flatmates, the laser beam 'helps people find their way back when they are drunk'.

太壯觀了!Simply impressive!

這『罐子』在這座什麼的?What's this 'can' doing here?

Stained glass window and an 'UFO-looking' design...

教堂後方。The rear side of the cathedral.

金字塔[?] One of the pyramids.... Why pyramid?

The building in the background is Victoria Building.  It is now a museum and contains galleries.  Please be patient and wait for a more detailed description.

教堂的一角。The infamous 'chemtrail'.

第二個金字塔[???] The second pyramid!?!?!

另外一個角度看我的鬧鐘。My Sunday alarm clock from the rear.

虔誠的經少年們。Lads and lasses in Sunday school uniform.

禮品店的一角。Scene from the souvenir shop.

各式各樣的十字架。Different designs of the cross.

更多禮品。More souvenirs.

禮品店窗戶擺設。Looking into the window of the souvenir shop.

Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus! 聖誕節快到啦!!



    創作者 天仙 (Celeste) 的頭像
    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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