My engagement banquet was held at this hotel in March. Afterwards, I had not visited the hotel since then. My parents happened to have coupons for buffet dinner, so we picked a day that I happened to be in town to come and try out their buffet.
You might recall that this was where I had breakfast the day of the banquet. Therefore, I was quite excited about seeing what their dinner would be like!
各式飲料 All kinds of drinks
麵包,各式醬料以及起司~ Bread and butter (and cheese)
港式點心 Dim sum
迷你小火鍋 Tiny hot pot
海鮮 Seafood
Firstly, I had this croissant with cheese. It tasted so nice! So I had to have another helping!
不過,深愛生魚片的我,也只敢拿這一份,不敢多拿啊~ 之後再找機會來吃個過癮吧!!
I know that posting the above two photos would inevitably lead to a few comments reminding me I shouldn't eat raw food....
But I love sashimi so much!! This was all I dared to take... I must come back and eat all I want!!
Seeing there was roast beef, I asked for a slice. But the knife on the table was breakfast knife... it was difficult to cut up the beef, and the meat was also a bit chewy for my taste.
The dim sum, however, was surprisingly nice! I guess it comes down to the fact that they had a dim sum place upstairs.
I'm not sure what this was, but it's not important. Because it wasn't very good...
The dessert zone was rather eye-catching!
The actual taste of the cakes, however, were quite to the extreme... Some were nice, but others weren't so good...
It was more practical to have some helpings of ice cream!
But cold food was not such a good idea for me! Pity that this was all I could indulge myself in!
天仙念: 這種吃到飽,不能隨心所欲的一直吃生魚片還真的挺痛苦的耶~