After a few weeks of Taiwan food articles, I'm sure you're getting a bit sick and tired of looking at food, food, and not thing but food articles. So here we are again, back in the UK. Since I'm sort of overlapping Taiwan and UK articles, I feel obliged to remind you again that this was my second time to Canterbury. The first time round, I took a lot of time in museums and the cathedral itself. Because time was a valuable asset, I had to be selective of what I did. Since I was lucky enough to come back for a second visit, I decided to try things that I did not try the first time round. This river tour, was one of them.
在坎特伯里的High Street上就會看到有人在拉客人。放心!他們是做正當行業的,而且如果你只是想要了解,也不用害怕先詢問詳情以及價錢。這裡不像亞州地區的拉客方式這麼強勢。如果你決定要搭乘,其實搭乘地點就在這個餐廳的後方。不過你可別大剌剌的從這個門走進去啊!這大門是給用餐的人進去的!
On the High Street of Canterbury, you'll see people shouting out to tourist luring them to do the boat tour. If you want to know a bit more before you decide, don't feel intimidated, approach them and enquire all you want. It's not like in some Asian countries where they would be really aggressive when you approach them, then get really offended when you decide to leave. If you decide to do the boat tour, the place to board is actually the back of this restaurant. However, don't just walk into the front entrance! That entrance is reserved for people who are dining at the restaurant!
You will be shown a way through an alley, where you can then get to the back garden of the restaurant.
從船上看橋。View of the bridge from the boat.
另外一組人馬~ Another group of tourists.
我們的導遊~ Our guide.
我們這組裡面的一對情侶~ A couple on our boat.
河上景色 Views on the river.
我們的導遊非常專業。Very professional guide, we have.
因為這條河,所以坎特伯里有非常多橋 Because a river runs through it, there are lots of bridges here.
辣妹團?The hot girls group?
家庭團?感覺沒像上一團這麼high呀~ The family group... (clearly not as excited as the previous group...)
另外一景 Another scene.
好愜意的平台啊!What a relaxing patio!
要往反方向去囉!Going back the other way, now.
回到搭船的餐廳了~ Reaching the restaurant again.
英國的藍天~ The blue skies of the UK.
古老建築~ Old building
The now-complete Marlowe Theatre, still under construction at the time (July, 2010)
鴿子們 Pigeons
窗 Window
花朵兒~ Flowers~
整個導覽感覺非常輕鬆。如果雙腳逛累了,可以來點比較軟性的殺時間法~ 也不錯喲!
It was a very relaxing tour. If you feel like taking it easy, it's a nice way of killing some time (softly).