其實早在2010年12月貼出【坎特伯里】Canterbury Cathedral一文時,我早就在當年的七月造訪過第二次了!這兩次的感觸非常不一樣。第一次因為是一個人單獨進去參觀,所以花了很多時間看透每一個細節。第二次,除了再次享受這華麗教堂的內外部,其實我最主要的目的是用新的相機把這座美麗的教堂,再做一次紀錄。

When I posted the first article on Canterbury Cathedral in December, 2010, I had already been there a second time. These two visits were very different, though. I was on my own the fist time, so I took all the time I needed to steep myself in the cathedral atmosphere. The second time round, other than enjoying everything for one more time, my most important agenda was to make a second recording of this magnificent building. 

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進入至教堂的大門上方。 Top of the gate into the Cathedral.

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教堂外觀 The exterior of the cathedral. 

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托馬斯貝克特在此遇害。Thomas Becket corner. 

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照片中可瞄到,合唱團正在排練!Rehearsal going on! 

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為貝克特點上的蠟燭 Candle for Becket

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近距離看貝特特角落~ Closer look at the Becket corner.

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更多關於貝特克[點我]More about Becket [click here]

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迴廊 Cloister

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