I don't know what to call this meal... Breakfast? Brunch? Or lunch? It was one of those weekends when you just can't help but procrastinate until you realise if you procrastinate any longer, you're going to miss the entire day... So even though my friend and I have made plans for the day, we did not set off until well after noon. We managed to skip breakfast, and brunch, and lunch... Until it was past lunch hour, but not yet afternoon tea time. So in order to get the day started, we came to this place, which was not far from us. We didn't realise that this one meal would last us the entire day. I guess it was money well spent.
Corn chowder 玉米濃湯
Pumkin soup 南瓜湯
Bread and butter 麵包
Clams appetiser 蛤蠣開胃菜
Salad 沙拉
We both ordered our meals in sets. I didn't like either of the soup, so my friend had to have both. The clams seemed delicious from the picture, but it was barely satisfactory. The bread was quite good only when it was still warm.
Chicken and pasta. 雞腿排及焗烤麵
Can't remember the name of this dish (some sort of rice) 忘了較什麼的飯
Dessert - mango jelly. 甜點:芒果凍
Red bean and green tea panna cotta 甜點:紅豆抹茶奶烙
Although we were both stuffed after the meal, I have to say that neither the food nor the service was above satisfactory. In addition, the price is not exactly cheap, and along with its location, I don't think it's worth a trip, to be honest. I guess I'm only posting this article for fun.
天仙念:服務是沒有不好,但也沒有很好。我們點餐花了很多時間決定,但它們竟然來了三次問我們要不要點餐。結果當我們要點的時候,卻又不見人影... 囧!