If you come to Taiwan, you simply cannot miss out on the night markets. There are so many night markets in Taiwan. Many of the stalls are similar, yet it is difficult to get bored, because there are still major differences among them. Shilin Night Market is probably one of the most famous Taiwan night markets. The reason why it's famous is because of its large scale. Personally, Shilin is not my favourite. Because of its grand scale, no matter when you go, it is always bombarded with crowds of locals and tourists. It is also a bit far from where I live. But nonetheless, I cannot deny the fact that it is quite a night market, and no tourist can say they have been to Taiwan, without visiting this night market.
冰糖葫蘆 Sugar coated fruits on sticks.
青蛙下蛋 Frog eggs are not really frog eggs...
水果攤 Stalls and stalls of fruits
射擊遊戲 Shooting games
麻將遊戲 Mahjong games
更多射擊遊戲 More shooting games
射箭 Archery
潤餅 Mixed veggie and meat roll
羊肉攤 Mutton stall
滷味攤 Braised delicacies
山豬肉 Boar meat
麵線 Thin noodles
慈誠宮 Temple in the night market
臭豆腐跟花枝丸 Deep fried goodies
烤雞 BBQ chicken
胡椒餅 Pepper buns
人潮洶湧 Massive crowd
沙威瑪 Shish kebab
好黑的豆乾 Dried tofus
韓國年糕 Korean tteok
雞排 Fried chicken
投籃遊戲 Basketball shooting game
Although I have posted many photos of the various stalls in Shilin Night Market, you must keep in mind that this is only the tip of an iceberg. There are so much more to eat and do here. It's definitely worth a visit, if you have never been.