This article had been put on hold for such a long time, my friend might have already forgotten that this meal had ever happened! We had this meal on Christmas. And afer such a long time, I still insist on posting it, shouldn't that already tell you that there's something about it worth posting? And after all, I did travel a rather long way (from one end of the blue line on the MRT to the other end)... It would be a pity to leave it in oblivion, wouldn't it?
這是招待的~ Complimentary dish. 請理性喝酒 Drink Responsibly!
好友相聚,啤酒不能少 Lager is a must!
茶碗蒸 - 很好吃!事隔那麼久,我還記得它的鮮美
Steamed egg. I still remember how delicious it was!
一人一個手捲 One temaki each.
海鮮沙拉(原本的名字不可能只有這樣)Seafood salad
綜合生魚片 - 讚啦! Assorted shashimi YUM!!
我不怎麼愛天婦羅,所以其實我有點忘了我到底有沒有吃到 @@
I'm not a big fan of tempura's. So I can't really remember if I had actually had one or not.
Inari sushi (tofu)
土瓶蒸 - 讓我讚不絕口的... 因為平常真的太少吃到了~
Dobinmushi - soup in a teapot! Favourite of the night!
烤鯖魚 - 也很美味!Grilled mackerel - another yummy dish!
Dessert - finished it despite my very over-stuffed tummy!
Despite there were only the three of us, I actually enjoy quiet meals like this a lot! I sincerely thank my two good friends for accompanying me that night.