Everything you've ever wanted can be yours. If only you knew 'The Secret'. Learn to apply The Secret and have nothing but happiness, health and success in your life.
第一部影片,教你如何在每天早晨醒來後為自己美好的一天做開端。第二部影片是The Secret的前20分鐘。我已經找不到完整的影片了。所以有興趣者可能要找書來看或是買DVD了。
The first video is a visualizing tool to help you start your day. The second is the first 20 minutes of the full-length The Secret movie. Since I can no longer find a full-length video online, I'm afraid those of you who are interested must either buy the book or the DVD.
1. The Secret [Visualizing Tool]
2. The Secret [First 20 minutes]
[Book]The Law of Attraction: the Basic Teachings of Abraham[英文]
[Books]五本改變生命的書 Five Books that Can Change Your Life[雙語]
購買書and/or DVD:
Ask and It Is Given[英文]
The Law of Attraction: the Basic Teachings of Abraham[英文]
The Secret[Book]
The Secret[DVD]
Ask and It Is Given
The Law of Atrraction: the Basic Teachings of Abraham