這是我第二次來到侯硐。第一次與友人相伴來到此地,不料天公不作美,因此根本沒見到幾隻貓。這一次,我帶著和朋友借來的50D,再次造訪貓村,除了跟運氣賭賭看能不能見到更多貓,當然也還想要體驗一下代單眼出遊的感覺。不過其實此行,事實上是為了更重要的旅行做準備。有在留意FB專頁的朋友應該都知道倫敦熊在三月中旬時曾經來了一趟幾乎是環島的行程。其實天仙是為了此行而與友人借來他的寶貝50D。不過又怕不熟悉就上戰場,失敗的照片比例會佔太高,因此安排了侯硐.平溪行,來讓自己與這台50D培養一下感情。除了以上第一張照片是用我原本的Lumix FP8拍得,其餘都是用我朋友的50D所捕捉到的畫面。
This is my second trip to Houtong. During my first trip, I was here with friends. Unfortunately, very few cats came out because of the weather. This time, I came preapred - with a DSLR and a determination to win the bet on good weather. I wanted to see a lot more cats than I did last time, and I also wanted to get a grasp of what it feels like to travel with a DSLR. However, this trip was only a precurser for an even more important trip. If you had been following the blog on Facebook, you'll know that in March, London Paddy took a trip that could almost be described as a tour around the island. I didn't want to risk taking too many crappy photos with my friend's 50D, so I organized this one-day trip for practice, and also to see cats, of course! The picture above is the only picture in this article that is taken by my DC Lumix FP8, the rest of them are captured by my friend's DSLR, 50D. 01
倫敦熊與貓 London Paddy and kitty 02
可愛的立牌 Cute banner. 03
第一隻貓 First kitty in sight 04
小吃店 Little shop 05
很多黑白貓 One of many black and white kitties. 06
很好睡 Sleeper 07
日光浴 Sun bather 08
不知道在做什麼... Got no idea what this one's doing... 09
周邊商品 Kitty stuff 10
玩樂的貓 Playful kitty 11
吐舌頭 Tongue sticking out 12
然後馬上變成憂鬱貓... Then he turns melancholic... 13
貪吃貓 Hungry kitty 14
好像迷路了? Are you lost? 15
口渴貓 Thirsty kitty 16
搔癢貓 Scratchy 17
一定要在這種地方睡嗎?Do you have to nap here? 18
潔癖貓(然後躺地上這樣!?)Cleanie kitty 19
真的是躲貓貓 Hiding kitty (napping, really) 20
貓咪咖啡(老闆不是貓)Kitty coffee shop (no, owners are not kitties) 21
你在舔哪裡啊... What are you doing, kitty!?!? 22
這是小虎嗎? Is this Xiaohu? 23
熟睡中勿擾 Deep asleep... DND! 24
要跳囉! Here I jump! 25
看到喵了沒?Do you see meow? 26
伸懶腰 Just stretching 27
餵食 Feeding 28
享受陽光 Enjoying the sun 29
寶座(床!?)Throne? 30
更多周邊 More kitty stuff 31
吊掛倫敦熊 Dangling Paddy 32
壁畫 Wall art. 33
貓奴!?Cat slave? 34
車站 The station 35
這是什麼神!?What deity is this? 36
走開啦... Go away... 37
ZZZZzzzz... 38
爪子掉水溝... Paw in the gutter 39
人客~ 你要買啥!!What you want buy? 40
吃不停啊!Nonstop eating! 41
下次再見囉... 哭哭... Goodbye for now.
天仙念: 第一次與50D合作就用這麼可愛的麻豆,真的拍的我好開心呀~~