這是一間天仙一直很喜歡的異國風味小館。距離上一次光顧都已經是2008年的事了。[看舊文]你看側欄的排行就知道,這間小館不只是深得我心,也相當受格友們的喜愛。事隔多年後,一群朋友的聚餐,因為有的吃素,有的則是無肉不可。加上天仙又是不吃豬牛羊... 這樣怪異的飲食習慣組合,我想不到比中東料理還要來的更恰當的聚餐地點了。
This is an exotic restaurant that I really like, but rarely get the chance to revisit. Between this visit and the last time I was here, it had already been five years. After so many years, I recommended this place to a bunch of us, who, together, make a very strange dietry combination: there was a vegetarian, and one who couldn't live a meal without meat, and one who avoided pork, beef, and lamb (me). Middle Eastern food was the only kind of cousine I could think of that would easily satisfy all of our dietry idiosyncrasies.
I have to admit, I was a bit worried that after all these years, they might have already closed down. Fortunately, they were still open, and business was thriving!
Of course a meal wouldn't be complete for me without some kind of drink to go with it. I can't remember what I had ordered, but I do remember making sure there was a complete shot of vodka in there before placing the order.
This is probably Mediterranean salad or some thing like that. Can't remember the exact name. The amazing combination of colours and its splendid taste together makes this an abosolutely delightful appetizer.
這道菜名我記得~(真是難得)叫做plata sababa。白白的打成泥狀的東西叫做hummus。這是用鷹嘴豆打成泥,以及其他香料製作而成。上面被切成兩半的球狀物,其實也是鷹嘴豆做成的丸子,叫做falafel。各位有沒有發現,這一個拼盤,上面的根本全部都是鷹嘴豆。可是同樣的食材,用三種不同的吃法(hummus,falafel,以及旁邊的原狀)竟然是三種截然不同的口感。而且若是我沒說,我保證你不可能會發現這三種東西根本就是同樣的食材。更了不起的是... 這道菜完.全.沒.有.肉!
This dish is called plata sababa. What better combination is there other than hummus and falafel. Middle Eastern food is like magic to me. It's difficult to realise that this platter is actually made from one single ingredient - chickpeas. The hummus and falafel are both made from chickpeas, and there are whole chickpeas placed by the side as garnish.
After stuffing the pita bread with the stuff on the platter, you'll start tasting magic in your mouth.
The colours also make this dish a delight for the eyes.
Note that this is a platter for veggetarians. (I guarantee there is no meat)
When you see pictures of the dishes served here, you might think that the portion wouldn't be enough to fill you up. You might be wrong. Because even the ones who ordered meaty dishes, admitted after consuming only half of their main dish, that they were quite filled.
Since I had my DSLR with me this time, I thought it rude to carry such a bulky camera around the table just to take pictures of all the dishes. Thus, you will only see the main dish that I had ordered.
其實點餐的時候我猶豫了很久。又想吃falafel,又想吃雞。後來看到有魚,就更猶豫了!後來為了食素的朋友點的plata sababa有falafel,這才在雞跟魚之間做了個抉擇。味道當然也沒令我失望。只是就如同上面說的一樣,吃到一半就覺得已經八分飽了!還好他蔬菜多,全部塞進肚子裡還不至於罪惡感太重。
It took me a while to decide what to order. I craved falafel, and wanted chicken. The fish sounded pretty good too! Then, since we ordered a platter with falafel, all I had to do was to make a choice between chicken and fish. Of course, the fish did not disappoint me either. I was almost full already by this time. Fortunately, lots of veggies came with this meal, so I didn't feel too stuffy afterwards.
There was a birthday girl among us during this meal. Also, there were quite a few of us whose birthdays were around this day. One of us decided to celebrate all of their birthdays at once.
這蛋糕不知大家會不會覺得眼熟?沒錯!正是天仙沒多久前貼的L'amour蛋糕。這天真的是陰錯陽差地... 因為我也差點買了同樣的蛋糕!(後來因為臨時改變交通方式,所以就作罷)。
This cheese cake was from the cake shop that I had posted about not too long ago. I had almost bought the same cake from the same shop! I had only change my mind because I changed my traveling route to the restaurant.
But speaking of the cake, I feel obliged to pay the restaurant a big complement. I was worried at the beginning that they wouldn't let us have food from outside. When we asked the waitress about the cake, she said, assuringly: Let me handle everything! Okay. After the cake arrived, the light was turned off. Three of the waiters/waitresses came singing with guarding the cake. We were all surprised and amazed!
Because of their extraordinary service, the cake tasted even better than I remembered.
Finally, Alice gives us another blessing with a note below our bill.