【飲酒勿開車.Drink Responsibly】
Recently, the frequency of posting new articles have increased dramatically. The reason for that is because I've started to visit other blogs again. After observing what other people are posting, I've come to realise that many people like to post about posh restaurants and hotels. But as a normal 9 to 5er, I can barely afford these posh experiences one a year! Since life is short, I suppose even if I am unable to experience these posh places, it is nice to see what it's like from other blogs. Some of these blogs present affordable food on their blogs. If they happen to experience places that are a bit pricy, they'd kindly remind their readers as well. I suppose every blog has their own meaning of existence. I guess, those without meaning wouldn't attract any readers in the first place, right?
I would say that I belong to the latter group of bloggers. Most people can easily afford the restaurants and lodges I blog about. Sometimes when I dine at very small shops, I wonder if I should bother blogging. But then I realise that every restaurant deserves a blog article - to let people know whether it's worth a visit, or whether they should avoid it altogether. This is the second article I'm posting about this goose place. I think that some of my new readers should know about this, rather than wait until they have a crave for goose meat.
This is the kind of goose place without stir-fry menus. There are lots of other small dishes you can choose from. Please see my old article for more choices (link). We didn't order much this time, because there were only the two of us, and we weren't that hungry to begin with. From the picture, you can see a man wearing short sleeves. Yes, it was still summer when we visited. Once it got colder, we stopped drinking so much beer (the more beer we drink, the colder we get!)
If you order a plate of goose meat, you can ask the shop to accommodate to your craving - less if you only want a few bites, and more if your craving is insatiable! Of course, watch out for the calories (prices vary according to the amount of goose meat).
I really enjoy the goose meat here, because unlike many other shops, they tend to give you goose meat without the bones. The bones would often get in the way, and you can't really enjoy the taste of the goose meat!
Since there are no stir-fries here, you can order some boiled veggies or some marinated bamboo to compensate the veggies during this meal.
These small clams are also quite special, as they are the only ones I've tasted so far that taste very close to my grandmother's. Since my grandma is now too feeble to make this, it's nice to know a place where I can remininsce this dish.
Smoke shark is also a delicacy featured in goose places like this. Sometimes you'd get too smokey ones, or too fatty ones, but the taste and texture of the smoke shark here is perfect.
This isn't exactly some kind of feast fit for a king, but it's affordable, so I guess it's a kind of cheap luxury!
Despite the many pictures of Taiwan beer, I only drank that one bottle (honestly!).