來到清邁不可不吃的就是這道出了泰北以後就很難吃到道地口味的咖哩麵(khao soi ข้าวซอย)!Khao soi(又稱泰北金麵)真的是一道泰北的特色菜。有朋友曾經告訴我,他在曼谷吃過,但味道跟清邁的完全不一樣。而這道khao soi也是你在台灣不可能吃的到的泰北菜。
Khao soi is something that you will not find once you leave Northern Thailand. It is a signature dish of Northern Thailand. A friend once told me that he had tried khao soi in Bangkok, and it did not taste the same at all. This is also a dish that you will not find in any of the Thai restaurants in the streets of Taipei!
Other than the ordinary-looking noodles, there are also crispy noodles on top. The taste will amaze you!
天仙特別介紹這一道,因為其實天仙平時很討厭吃湯麵,也不喜歡吃咖哩。不過這道khao soi,卻是很莫名其妙地讓我常常思念它!
I highly recommend this dish, because as someone who does not really enjoy soup noodles nor curry (and this is a combination of both!), this dish has completely conquered my taste buds. I think about the dish every now and then!!
通常賣這種khao soi的店也會賣這個沙嗲烤肉串(satay)。這道其實台灣有些餐廳有賣(香米 Home)。不過當然還是在當地吃最道地。
Sometimes, these shops also offer satay (barbeque skewered meat). It can be found in certain Thai restaurants in Taiwan, but still can't beat the local flavor!
Remember to dip it in the sauce! The sauce is what matters!
這次地主帶我們來的是我以前未曾光顧過,但據說是現今最著名的khao soi店。除了khao soi,還有其他泰北道地的美味。
Our lovely host brought us to this shop because it offered other kinds of Northern Thai goodies as well. In fact, it was my first visit to this place. Apparently, it's the most popular khao soi place now.
這一袋一袋包裝的就是之前(Ban Rai Yarm Yen บ้านไร่ยามเย็น)一文中介紹過的酸生肉。
These bags of meat are naam. I've previously mentioned this before. It's a kind of fermented meat dish, normally served in the form of sausages.
其實很想買一包回去就這樣啃著吃... 不過這天行程一路坐車其實沒什麼胃口。所以就捨棄了!
Oh, how I wanted to buy a bag and just nibble on it. But we had been on the car all day, and will be continuing our day in the car... So, my appetite wasn't exactly behaving its best.
當然也有大家所熟悉的涼拌青木瓜(som tam ส้มตำ)。
And of course, the well-known papaya salad is also available.
不過今天的重點還是khao soi。上面這些盤子裝著的就是要放進去麵裡的!等等介紹!
But the main point is still khao soi! Don't forget that! The stuff on these plates have to go into the noodles.
We also ordered a plate of satay.
It was too good to resist. These can be found basically everywhere. And honestly, I have not had a bad satay before! Apparently they're all quite good!
As I had mentioned - dip the sauce for best taste!
Finally, let's return to our protagonist!
Squeeze the lemon juice into the bowl.
Put the onion and pickled cabbage into the bowl, too. Mix it all up, and prepare to be amazed by this wonderful Northern Thailand dish!
如果你已經吃過了(也吃膩了 <-- 不太可能啊!)也可以點其他粿條來吃啦!
If you're tired of khao soi (which is impossible, but anyway...) You can still order the other types of noodles.
This is the first time that I see people wearing gloves while preparing our food.
All the ingredients are placed into the bowl. Once an order arrives, all they have to do is pour in the soup. Quite efficient. But only popular shops have efficiency like this.
但來到清邁,還是要吃一碗khao soi!否則,真的別說你來過清邁啊!
A finaly reminder, though, for people who can't bear even a tinge of spice! Do not expect this to be entirely spicy-free. It's not. I know, because as a kid, I was one of those people who couldn't bear even a slight pinch of pepper! I would order a bowl, have two bites, and let my family eat the rest... It was not until I had grown accustomed to spicy food, that I began to be able to complete an entire bowl! Of course, there's no need to worry. There are other types of non-spicy noodles you can choose from!
But again, how can you come to Chiang Mai, without ever having a bowl of khao soi?