



There are still a lot of articles pending, but I feel obliged to post this one first.

We all know that July 4th is the American Independence Day. But a lot of us don't know that July 1st is Canada Day! The Canadian expats in Taiwan held an event celebrating their day this past weekend. I'd been to one of these before. It seemed to be an event filled with food, booze, and music... of course cute boys and girls to look at as well. 



I've always seemed to get along quite well with Canadians more. There is no doubt about my love for anything English, but it just so happens that I have more Canadian friends! My best friend in the UK was Canadian! So, years ago, I attended one of these celebrations before. The trend seemed seemed to have changed, though. Whereas previously, it was just an excuse for young people to get drunk, this year, the event was actually designed so that your entire family would have something they'd enjoy doing! 



We sat down on the grass for a show or two, then walked around. Some of the stalls had some simple games. If you participated, you get a free something. Most of these free somethings are so tiny they aren't really worth mentioning. But the one thing worth mentioning is that Dairy Queen will be in Taiwan! (Or so I thought at the time! Apparently a location had already been opened in Tienmu for more than six months!)


After walking around, I realised that I wanted to try all the food there! Although it is not wise to underestimate the appetite of a pregnant lady, still, it was not a good idea to devour too much food. So we had to be careful with our choices.


The place was full of picky Canadians! We could easily assume that all the food here would taste somewhat authentic. If you look at all the people in charge of the cooking, indeed, all Canadians. 



So, in the end, our first choice was nachos. Yeah, I know this can be easily rendered at home, but look! It's got jalapeños and meat! I couldn't possibly render taht at home! Mind you, it was a little pricy, but we're out having fun! So let's not dwell on that.


不過天仙最想吃的還是這道魁北克的名菜 - poutine!原本想說吃完nachos晃一圈再回來,沒想到回來之後竟然大排長龍!嚇死人了!不過這份poutine真的有排隊的價值!真的太好吃了!

The one thing I really wanted to have was the poutine! We thought we'd walk around and digest the nachos a bit before we get our poutine, but when we came back, there was a long line waiting! But oh, it was so worth it! 



The cheese melted from the heat of the freshly fried fries and gravy! It was simply delicious! 


接著,老公說sausage dog都沒人排隊,去買個來吃吃看吧!反正孕婦的胃已經是無底洞了,當然okay!至於芥末為什麼會擠成這樣?那是因為天仙不愛芥末,但老公想要搭芥末。所以就事先交代老公,如果要芥末就只能淋一半~ XD

Once we devoured the poutine, the other half suggested that we might as well get a sausage dog. So we did. I couldn't see the bottom of my tummy anyway! And as for why the mustard looks like that? Well, since we were splitting the sausage dog, and I didn't want any mustard, the other half had to squeeze his mustard on only half the dog! 



A soy milk stall was there as well, but judging from the fact that it was more of a 'booze' event, no one was really interested in the soy milk. So after we had already gotten two of these, they gave us another two! So we took these home! 



Since beer was out of the question for me, at least I could have some ROOT beer, right!? I don't have these junk food very often, and since I was in such a jolly mood, let's not kill the fun. 



And finally, the other half had a lot of guts to have his beer right in front of me! 

天仙念:  這天唯一的敗筆就是天仙沒有啤酒可以喝啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!


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