

I came to CKS Memorial Hall with a goal to accomplish: to get my tickets.

The colossal banner at the MRT station:

That's right!  A full-length opera, with full costume!


I'm extremely excited.  Because so far, I've only been to concerts where the singers would sing arias, but I'm about to give my first full-length opera experience to Mr. Richard Strauss!

最令人矚目的當然除了full costume之外,當然也是這次表演的陣容,來頭不小喔!他們是來自德國萊茵歌劇院的喔!

Other than the full costume aspect, the fact that the opera will be performed by Deutsche Oper am Rhein!


A real pity I hadn't booked the tickets earlier.  The decent seats at affordable prices have all been sold out.  But, there is simply no way I'd allow myself to miss this opportunity. I don't see myself sitting at the sides of the theater.  No, I'd probably hate myself.  So just a few hundred extra, I got a great seat.  I want to be able to enjoy, not just the music and the singing, but the performance and the spectacular visual effects of the props and costumes.  This is the best way to pamper myself.

拿到票之後,跑去音樂店閒晃。原本是想買張該歌劇的aria或什麼的回來先做功課。可惜我只看到整場歌劇的DVD。不過,讓我翻到了一個寶貝:Great Composers 101。

After I got my tickets, I was thinking of buying a CD of the arias from the opera as so I could do a little preparation before my big night.  However, I only spotted a full length opera DVD.  Fortunately, I found another treasure.  At a more than reasonable price!


Then, I brought my new CD to the outdoor coffee shop outside the entrance of the concert hall, and ordered a vanilla latte.  My weekend, is just beginning.

1. 好書一本
2. 隨身帶著的iPod
3. 筆記本+鉛筆盒

The essentials for coffee shop sittings:
1. A good book
2. iPod
3. A notebook, and my dearly beloved pencil box

The contents of my new CD:


I bought this mainly because of Wagner.  $198 seemed like a great deal for a Decca CD.

就這樣,翻翻書,寫寫字,聽聽音樂。就算旁邊有人在怎麼製造噪音,iPod 打開,耳機一帶上也就沒有任何人或任何事能夠破壞我的這個完美的下午囉!

And thus, a flip a few pages, scribble a few words, and listen to a few notes.  However noisy the environment becomes, I'll always have my iPod.  Therefore, nothing and/or no one can ever destroy my perfect afternoon!


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