Call it coincidence if you will, that shortly after my inevitable viewing of 'United 93', 'Zeitgeist' should my next major viewing. It is an extraordinarily didactic video that surpasses even its predecessor, the Loose Change production of the video on the conspiracies of the 911 attacks.
或許你可以說是巧合。為何在我看了聯航93之後馬上接著看到這部影片。他比之前Loose Change製作關於911背後真相的影片還要扎實、多料。雖然沒有中文字幕,雖然是一部長達將近兩小時的影片,但我還是希望找到這篇文章的你能夠觀賞這部影片。
In this movie, you will find new historical evidence that the Da Vinci Code, United 93, World Trade Center, Pearl Harbor, and even the Bible has failed to inform you of. The real truth behind the so-called terrorist schemes are nothing but a puppet show that a few men had decided to put on for their own entertainment and benefits.
這部影片中你會看到 達文西密碼、聯航93、世貿中心、珍珠港、甚至聖經所沒有的新知。你到目前為止所稱的『真相』僅不過是幾個男人在我們上頭想出來的一場大戲。一場耗資幾千幾萬人性命的重頭戲。只為了他們自己金錢上的利益。
You will discover that this is what we have been warned against. George Orwell in 1984, Adlus Huxley in Brave New World, Equilibrium, and even the Matrix, had all been distributed among us in order to warn us against what is to become of us if we do not become aware of what is happening around us.
你會發現:George Orwell, Aldous Huxley 曾在小說 一九八四 與 美麗新世界,和電影 重裝任務及駭客任務中都已經多次警惕過我們的殘酷真相。
Did we listen?
After the Loose Change production, and now after this, if you still choose to believe what is being fed to you every single day through the 'idiot box', then I wash my hand off this. Let it be known to you, though, that I, myself, was skeptical when first guided toward this direction. And now after some time, the more I think about it, the more plausible it becomes. On the other hand, the media becomes less and less credible.
當看完Loose Change的影片以及現在這部影片之後,如果你還是寧願相信你每天被強制吸收的資訊,那我想我真的想佈到其他辦法。不過你要知道,就連我自己第一次看Loose Change的影片時,也是心存懷疑的。但經過長時間思考後,你會真的發現他們所提出的『證據』可信度真的比你能在主流媒體上看到的報導可性度要高出許多!
I have been accused of being non-patriotic, simply because I do not read the newspaper nor watch the news. But little do those people realize that by not allowing myself being exposed to such fallacious ideas would lead to only one thing: the stupefying of the mind.
Thus I refuse such contaminations of the mind.
I would rather remain ignorant, until I willingly expose myself to what I chose to believe.
The mainstream blockbusters are nothing but preludes and overtures to the real thing. Believe it or not, what you dismiss every day as mere fictitious imaginations of some very creative genius, are in fact, the truth. You only dismiss them because you were 'programmed' into believing they are merely fiction, science fiction, or worse, fantasy.
I quote from a very dear friend of mine who did not mean for it to become one of my major philosophies of life: 'there is truth behind every thing[joke]'.
It is with a heavy heart that I choose to reveal this video unto this blog to share with you openly. This blog was meant to be a pleasant and carefree area where imagination and happiness are sowed and harvested. However, it is only after knowing the fact that the little worms and bugs and stinky cow dung are the essentials to the existence of this garden, will then the beauty of it be fully realized and appreciated.
Thus, by all means, click on the website. Watch the video. And start THINKING.
1. Loose Change [Second Edition]
2. Zeitgiest, The Movie - Full Film
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
- Oct 16 Tue 2007 11:25
【時事】 Zeitgeist