There are plenty of video clips that portray the brutality of the livestock industry. Since this is the first article concerning this topic, a more subtle approach is presented here.
第一段影片中Jamie Oliver['The Naked Chef'、'Jamie's Kitchen'、及'Jamie's School Dinners'等節目主持人]檢視一隻從養雞場救回來的一隻雞。這些雞一生中住在狹小的籠子裡,幾乎可以說是完全沒有任何可以活動的空間。這種慘忍的飼 養導致成年後即使被放出籠子外,他們也不太會跑、跳。
This first video shows Jamie Oliver [host of popular culinary shows like 'The Naked Chef', 'Jamie's Kitchen', and his revolutionary 'Jaimie's School Dinners] talking a bit about battery chickens. These are chickens that are forced to live in small cages that are about only as big as they are, which means there is little room for movement. Watch him examine a chicken rescued from a battery farm.
1. Battery Chicken:
This second video is an excerpt which shows Jaimie demonstrating an apparatus that is used to 'dispatch' male chicks that no longer 'have value' to the egg laying industry.
2. Chicken Dispatching Chamber
最後這段將有血腥畫面。但請記得:這也只是冰山一角!何況影片中死的是一隻。每一天大家吃進肚子裡成千上萬隻,都是透過這同樣[或更慘忍的]方式被屠殺 的。雖然我不是完全贊同Jamie這樣在電視上公開屠殺動物,但我同意他們想表達的:因為你飼養動物是為了要它上桌,更要在它有生命時候尊重它!
This final video may be a little disturbing to some, but believe this: this is only the tip of a very large ice berg! I don't necessarily agree with everything they say, since I'm leading a vegetarian life, but if you are going to raise an animal for the sake of slaughtering it later in life and consuming it, TREAT IT WITH RESPECT.
There are plenty of video clips that portray the brutality of the livestock industry. Since this is the first article concerning this topic, a more subtle approach is presented here.
第一段影片中Jamie Oliver['The Naked Chef'、'Jamie's Kitchen'、及'Jamie's School Dinners'等節目主持人]檢視一隻從養雞場救回來的一隻雞。這些雞一生中住在狹小的籠子裡,幾乎可以說是完全沒有任何可以活動的空間。這種慘忍的飼 養導致成年後即使被放出籠子外,他們也不太會跑、跳。
This first video shows Jamie Oliver [host of popular culinary shows like 'The Naked Chef', 'Jamie's Kitchen', and his revolutionary 'Jaimie's School Dinners] talking a bit about battery chickens. These are chickens that are forced to live in small cages that are about only as big as they are, which means there is little room for movement. Watch him examine a chicken rescued from a battery farm.
1. Battery Chicken:
This second video is an excerpt which shows Jaimie demonstrating an apparatus that is used to 'dispatch' male chicks that no longer 'have value' to the egg laying industry.
2. Chicken Dispatching Chamber
最後這段將有血腥畫面。但請記得:這也只是冰山一角!何況影片中死的是一隻。每一天大家吃進肚子裡成千上萬隻,都是透過這同樣[或更慘忍的]方式被屠殺 的。雖然我不是完全贊同Jamie這樣在電視上公開屠殺動物,但我同意他們想表達的:因為你飼養動物是為了要它上桌,更要在它有生命時候尊重它!
This final video may be a little disturbing to some, but believe this: this is only the tip of a very large ice berg! I don't necessarily agree with everything they say, since I'm leading a vegetarian life, but if you are going to raise an animal for the sake of slaughtering it later in life and consuming it, TREAT IT WITH RESPECT.
3. Slaughter