
Semester One

Forms and Contest

England's Helicon
Shepheard's Calendar [Spenser]
Pastoral [Pope]
Windsor-Forest [Pope]
Rural Sports [Gay]
Shepherd's Week [Gay]
Sonnets [Wyatt, Surry, Gray, Bowles, Charlotte Smith]
Paradise Lost [Milton]
Rape of the Lock [Pope]

Contesting Worlds II: Science and Literature

Faerie Queene [Spenser]
Mutabilite Cantos [Spenser]
Poems [Donne, Vaughan]
Paradise Lost [Milton]
New Atlantis [Bacon]
The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World [Margaret Cavendish]
Gulliver's Travels [Swift]
The History of the Royal Society [Sprat]
The Elephant in the Moon [Butler]
Will of a Virtuoso [from the Tatler]
Astronomical Dialogues [Harris]
The Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus [Arbuthnot and others]
The Newtonian System of the World [Desaguliers]
A Poem Sacred to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton [Thomson]
The Season [extracts]

Shakespeare and Co.

The Oxford Shakespeare: Complete Works [2005] / RSC Shakespeare's Complete Works [2007]
Works by Marlowe, Jonson, Dryden, Rymer, Garrick, Johnson

Semester Two

Contesting Authors

Poetaster [Jonson]
Conversations with Drummond of Hawthornden [Dryden]
MacFlecknoe [Dryden]
Essay on the Original and Progress of Satire [Dryden]
Essay on Criticism [Pope]
The Dunciad [Pope]
Lives of the Poets [Johnson]
Poems [Philips, Behn, Montagu, Leapor]

Contesting Worlds I: Writing Travel in the Renaissance and 18th Century

(Advice to Travellers)
Of Travel [Bacon]
Of Travelling [Ascham]
Narratives of Travellers considered [Johnson]
Dialogues of the Uses of Foreign Travel [Hurd]
The English on the Continent [Coryat, Boswell]
The Unfortunate Traveller [Nashe]
Sentimental Journey [Sterne]

(Brave New World)

Voyages [Hakluyt]
Pilgrimage [Purchas]
Discovery of Guiana [Raleigh]
Journals [Cook]
The Tempest [Shakespeare]
Robinson Crusoe [Defoe]
The Exotic East [Purchas, Hakluyt]
[Roe, Jones]
Renegado [Massinger]
Aurangezeb [Dryden]

(What the Traveller Learns)

The Pilgrim's Progress [Bunyan]
Gulliver's Travels [Swift]

Shakespeare Restored: Contesting Texts and Readers

Richard III
Titus Andronicus

*Reading list extracted from initial reading list in the module descriptions for MA in English Renaissance and 18th Century Literature offered by the University of Liverpool.

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