
哇!已經是十月底的事情了。不過雖然過了一陣子,我還是沒忘記這次的經驗。剛來的時候就一直在想:到底何年何月才能吃到falafel呢?這天是參加某個pub quiz之前跟朋友約好要先去吃晚餐的。原本我們預計是要去吃這家對面的『麵』[不是我要求的喔!是那兩個加拿大情侶說要去吃的喔!!]沒想到他們到了那,說還要等一陣子。我們的時間不多。這離the Cambridge還有一段路。吃完還得走一陣子。我好不容易走到『麵』,我朋友才打電話來跟我說他們不等了,在對面的Top Chef等我。


經我這麼一說,他們也決定要吃falafel!還說我不講他們還沒發現這裡有。哇勒...到底誰是native speaker啊...不過這也要歸功於身為素食者,我們的選擇真的不多啦。他們還得看各式各樣葷食的選擇。我當然比較容易發現falafel囉!

This was way back, before Halloween.  I still remember the taste of the falafel and humus.  Ever since I got here, I've been thinking about when I would be able to get falafel.  Thanks to the over-busy 'Tokyou', and my dearest Canadian friends, I finally got to taste my dear falafel!

The cleaniness of the restaurant left us wondering why the place was so empty.  Was it the food?  Or perhaps the service?  Well, 'Tokyou' was way too busy for us to go back.  We had to get to the Cambridge in time for pub quiz, so this would have to do.  The menu certainly seemed promising.  But that didn't help us decide what to get.  Then, I noticed: FALAFEL...

It was easier for me to discover falafel, since my choices were a little more limited.  After I told my friends I wanted a falafel sandwich, they decided to order the same.

怎麼樣?看起來很棒吧!其實的確是很棒的!不過你們有沒有覺得很奇怪?為什麼標題寫『難吃』,我卻在經過這段日子之後還一直懷念著他的味道及口感?因為這個『難吃』不是指not delicious,而是指'difficult to eat'。店員丟了刀叉給我們。可是...有吃過這東西的人就會知道,這用刀叉怎麼吃啊?!



It looks delicious, doesn't it?  And it was delicious.  The only thing that bothered us was the way they expected us to eat this - with knife and fork!  How in the world were we suppose to eat this without stuffing your face into it?  I told my friends that the next time I come, I'm going to get it to go, then stuff my face into it like you're supposed to. 

According to my friends, the falafel was a bit different than what they were used to in North America.  When they turned to me and asked if I was used to this kind of falafel, I couldn't really respond, because I've only had a few.  They said it was a bit drier.  The falafel they were used to were more 'moist' and more like meatballs.  Honestly, I think I would have to agree, however, we all agree that this one was not bad, either.

碎碎念:這週末沒去pub quiz。昨晚為了慰勞自己,我們又回到『麵』。這次有吃到。不過我怕等我essay寫完,這裡的文章積欠太多寫不完,就先take a break上來貼一篇已經放很久的文章囉!

    創作者 天仙 (Celeste) 的頭像
    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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