I stayed in London for an entire week before heading back home in Taiwan. It was my final destination, and sort of marked the grand finale of my entire year in the UK. You know what they say about London and typical English weather.... However, during the seven days I was there, I did not see a single drop of rain. It's supposed to be a good thing, nonetheless, it didn't feel quite 'London-like'. Yes, there were gray days like this, but no rain at all. It made traveling much easier.
This article shows you two boats that were docked by the Thames. Just by looking at these two different boats, you'll get the feeling that the whole of England can be summed up by them - a place where the new intertwines with the new.
HMS Belfast 貝爾法斯特號巡洋艦
It was originally a Royal Navy Light Cruiser, now a museum ship. It's not going anywhere now, so surely, you'll see it if you take a walk along the River Thames.
My very professional model. 我的超專業模特兒~
I reckon little boys and men (what's the difference?) will definitely be attracted by this!
Entrance 入口
Find the Tower Bridge, and you'll find the ship. 找到塔橋,就會找到這艘船囉!
This is the other ship I found along the Thames. I think people may be less familiar with this. It is a model ship of Drake's Golden Hind. Who was Drake? His was known for his circumnavigation during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Probably also the most renowned pirate in history! (thank God Jack Sparrow's fictitious!)
這是另外一艘船。我想這個可能大家比較陌生!?它就是德瑞克環球航海用的金鹿號!德瑞克在伊莉莎白時代是非常有名的航海家,但他同時也應該是歷史中最出名的海盜吧!(還好Jack Sparrow是虛構的~)
I remember writing a paper on Drake, and so I was extremely excited to find this! It was a very pleasant surprise!
Although, I thought to myself 'Maybe I would've done better if I had seen this before I had to write the paper!'
It was more tucked away, so you'll have to keep your eye open during your walk alone the Thames.
Field trip 校外教學~
Little pirates 小海盜們~