Pascal, the owner of the guest house where we stayed, gave us too many ideas of places to dine for us to handle at the time. I do remember him recommending 'the best fish and chips' place, but I have to admit, I'm not certain if this is the one to which he was referring.
We came here after we had our drinks because we were both starving. We had saved so much money by bringing our own food, but by this time, we both ran out and craved for a full meal. What could two skints students have? What better choice is there other than the national dish - fish and chips? (Actually, I insisted on having fish and chips... )
我們居住的B&B老闆Pascal向我們推薦太多好吃的餐廳了。我們根本就記不住。不過對於fish and chips情有獨鍾的我,卻清楚的記得他提到一家全鎮最好吃的。不過由於他真的推薦的太多了,所以我到最後還是不知道這間到底是不是他推薦的。
我與友人再喝完飲料之後來到這裡。此時我們早就已經餓扁了。為了省錢,兩個窮學生把兩天的糧食全部都先準備好才上路。不過到了此時,糧食早就吃完了。但是窮學生也還是事實。怎麼辦呢?除了fish and chips,我想不出還有什麼更適合讓窮學生填飽肚子的餐點囉!(其實是我很堅持要吃fish and chips...)
The place looked decent, and the menu proved the food here to be affordable... So in we went and ordered our first proper meal during these two days! (that's not including the free breakfast provided by our lovely host - Pascal)
既然看到這間餐廳有模有樣... 加上菜單上列出的價錢也都是我們可以負擔的情況下,我們就走進去,點了我們兩天以來第一餐正式的餐點!!(路途上我們都吃三明治、水果、晚上泡麵... 雖然早上有吃Pascal的愛心早餐... )
In Stratford-upon-Avon, it's all about Shakespeare. Of course, coming
from Liverpool, where everything's about the Beatles, I could totally
understand that. I'm not sure what the locals would think of it, but
my friend and I both loved seeing so many Shakespeare-related things
all over this town. Even in this simple fish and chips restataurant,
they managed to squeeze in a little Shakespeare as well. (see pic above)
在這小鎮呢,所有的大小事物都可以扯上莎士比亞。當然,我們兩個來自任何事情都可以扯上披頭四的利物浦,相當可以理解這種現象。雖然我不太清楚當地的人是怎麼想的,不過我們兩個倒是超級樂在其中的!就連這間fish and chips,也非得要幾出一些『莎士比亞』的東西出來才滿意... (上圖)
I must admit, it was very good, but I still wouldn't called it 'the best fish and chips' I've ever eaten. I prefer having it with lemon. And they served this with mayo. Nonetheless, it filled us both up, and by the time we were done, we were both recharged and full of energy again!! (that's right! the trip ain't over yet! still lots more to see!! stay tuned!)
而這盤在莎士比亞故鄉嚐到的fish and chips,你問我有沒有好吃?其實當然好吃!不過我個人偏向擠點檸檬在炸魚上享用。這家卻偏偏只提供美乃滋。不過,至少很滿足了吃了一頓飽餐。用餐完畢之後,我們又再度充滿了精神與活力!繼續前進下一個景點!(沒錯... 還沒寫完!!還早的很哩!!)
天仙念:週末先來點輕鬆的 ^_^