I love taking guests to restaurants like this. Most of them serve decent food. It's actually difficult to find one that doesn't. Although it tends to get a bit crowded and noisy, but it is the best place to get a glimpse of what Taiwanese are like. I brought two young guests here this time. Of course, they weren't just in for good food. The main purpose was to see another unique aspect of Taiwan culture - beer girls (girls who sell beer at restaurants like these). They didn't really care if the food was any good, really. I faced a problem, though. I was running out of places to take them. Then, I remembered that someone once recommended this place to me. As I remembered the name, I googled it, and decided it was time to give it a try.
Sometimes these places would have seafood and veggies out for display, which catches the attention of travelers.
Of course, other than fresh food, there is also the hot beer girl we came for. My friend thought she looked like a minor, but having seen half the world, I know that westerners and Asians can never accurately tell each other's age.
These places are always busy. But fortunately there were a couple of empty tables, and we didn't have to wait.
Nothing special about this, but being my favourite, I had to indulge myself.
糖醋排骨。Sweet and sour pork.
炒海瓜子。Fried clams
鳳梨蝦球。Pineapple shrimpballs.
宮保雞丁。Kungpao Chicken
炒空心菜。Fried veggies.
My friend had not been to Taiwan too often (for one of them it's their first time). Therefore, I chose dishes that were more generally known and/or accepted by westerners. An interesting observation is that while most Taiwanese would start looking for rice as the dishes are served, that night, none of us went looking for rice.
In terms of the beer, well, since this was what the beer girl was there to sell, we obviously had to drink what she sold (so it would be easier to ask her to take a picture with the boys after the meal).
The food was good, and the boys were happy with the picture they took with the beer girl. But this caught my attention as we were leaving! A cute little Deity of Wealth, with a pint of lager in front of him. I wonder where they got this!