This was a meal fit for royalty!! It was actually a farewell feast for an Indian friend of ours who had come to Taiwan to study Mandarin, and she was getting ready to embark on a new journey - to Singapore for her PhD. An old professor from uni introduced us, and we were more than happy to become part of her memory of Taiwan. There was a lot of food!! But it was, afterall, a farewell party. So we did want to make it quite unforgettable!
Our friend, B recommended the place. He would always come up with places we'd never been to before! The recommendations had always been great! So we had no doubt that this was going to be a wonderful meal!
小菜 Appetizers
I arrived early (on time), but everyone else seemed to be caught up with something. As the baby in me started to feel hungy, I had no choice but to start nibbling these appetizers.
Once everyone had arrived, we left the job of ordering to B, since he made the recommendation, he must know what to order!
松子燻雞 Pine smoked chicken
In order to write up this article, I searched the web a bit and found that B knew, indeed, what he was doing! This smoked chicken was one of the must-eats!
燒餅 Sesame buns
醬肉 Braised pork
The pork should be eaten with the bun. Stuff the pork in the bun like a sandwich. It was also one of the must-eats that B had ordered.
褡褳火燒 Fried dumplings
只是不好意思這天因為忙著聊天,燒餅包醬肉的照片沒拍到,鍋貼裡長啥樣子也一樣沒拍到。想知道...就自己去嘗嘗看吧 XD
This is basically gigantic pan-fried dumplings. Most of the articles I found online also highly recommended this dish.
At this point, I must appologize for not taking any photos of the stuffings, as we were busy chatting away!
香椿豆腐 Xiangchun Tofu
I used to like xiangchun a lot when I was a vegetarian. But unfortunately, this dish did not seem to be very popular during this meal.
荷葉餅 Chinese pan cake
合菜代帽 Sauted veggies and vermicelli covered with egg cap
A portion of the veggies with the egg cap should be wrapped in the pan cake. Well, I was only slowly recovering from my lost of appetite during my first trimester, so I didn't get to taste this. I had also forgotten to take a picture of what it looked like inside the egg cap.
水梨沙拉 Pear salad
The most amazing dish was this pear salad! I can't remember the name they gave it, but it was basically an appetizing fruit salad. I think I devoured most of it while the rest of the gang had only one or two servings each. (Ooops_
蔥爆牛肉 Fried beef with green onion
I actually demanded this dish, but in reality, it turned out a bit disappointing. The beef was not tender at all. I think we should stick to the must-eats mentioned earlier in this article!
炸丸子 Deep fried meat balls
At the time I had lost interest in fried foods, but these meat balls were actually quite good!
酸辣湯 Sour and spicy soup
Last, but certainly not least, there was the sour and spicy soup! The big bowl was out of my reach, so I could onlly get a photo from the helping I got in my small bowl.
I might as well call the meal very satifying! We also had a very lovely chat!
The only thing I was not quite happy about was that B insisted on paying the bill, and rejected my offer to share the bill!
檢視較大的地圖 歡迎加入粉絲團喔~