Do not deprive the pregnant lady of romance!!
As the tummy gets bigger each day, there are less places I can visit. We try to avoid places that require a lot of walking, and places that are extremely hot. But there is little to do at home other than sleep and eat! So, my other half decided to take us out for a car ride.
It was a hot day, but we were in our car most of the time. Initially we planned to go to the beach. We thought that if we arrived after three, the sun might not be as deadly. But everywhere we went, there seemed to be no parking space. Well, it was sort of expected of a weekend, right? So finally, we headed for Keelung. We parked our car in an alley, and started walking around.
We really didn't walk far, when I started to feel tired already. I thought... it was almost dusk, so we might as well find a place to sit down and have a cake or light meal... some sort of afternoon tea. That way, we might also save a few bucks on dinner! Being a Pisces that I am... the romance in me started to get to me. I knew that Evergreen Laural Hotel was nearby, and was pretty sure that a hotel that scale would most likely have a nice place for afternoon tea, and perhaps a seat that faces the sea. So! Here we were!
We came to the 19th floor, and there it was, the sea was there to welcome us. The price for the afternoon tea was also within acceptable price range.
The seat was facing the sun, but you'll have to put up with that if you want to see the sun set!
Looking down, you can see the buffet area downstairs. Looked quite nice. We might come back some day to try it.
I'm not sure the price is completely worthwhiel, as I witnessed other guests complaining... saying that all-you-can-drink included only these teabag varieties.
There weren't anything for me to drink in this area, so I started exploring another area. I started to regret a little to be honest....
Then, I saw the coffee machine and thought, well, at least one of us will be drinking something.
In the end, the only thing I could drink was hot milk.
That was me with the baby in me during this tea session.
這種英式下午茶擺盤真的是好像放什麼上去都滿有情調的 XD
Of course, we ordered some bites to eat as well.
It seems that no matter what you put on this rack, it makes the food look that much more attractive!
上層。 Top layer.
中層。 Middle layer.
下層。Bottom layer.
It wasn't exaclty a feast, and I wouldn't call it the best afternoon tea ever! The amount was just enough (could be a little more, though). I have little to say about all of them, except the custard was a very big disappointment...
Okay, the food was not the point! We were spending money for the atmosphere.
And finally, here came the sunset!
Within a few minutes, the sun was already gone!
Once the sun has set, take a look around the harbour! Look at that massive ship! The coaches beside it look like little toys!
After the sun has gone down, the sky turned dark quite quickly. This meant that it was time to go home!
For less than $1000, a rack of this to share between the two is actually quite nice... Mind you, we didn't have a full dinner after all. If you don't feel like standing or walking in the heat, this might be another alternative for you!