



當你對你身邊的景物開始感到一定的安全感,這代表你要找尋當初那份新鮮感就得去別處旅行。或許對某些人來說是種酸葡萄心理,但我思考了很久之後,還是沒辦法做到說走就走。去年年底會去愛丁堡,純粹是拜Rosslyn Chapel所賜才得到一系列的意外驚喜。當我開始習慣利物浦之後,我要花盡多少工夫才能恢復到我當初對這座城市的那種新鮮感?我無法隨便旅遊的原因既是如此。如果我習慣了旅遊,無論我到哪裡,那種新鮮感也會逐漸的減弱。我怕。所以若是要出走,就必須要從長計議。






The photo above may not seem to signal anything significant.  To me, however, the image is priceless.  It was the very first picture I had taken since I set foot on English soil.  Look at the date at the bottom right hand corner.  That was the day I got to England.  That was the day, I started living my dream.

When I browse through the photos I had taken when I first got here, I started to chuckle a bit at my own silliness.  I took pictures of the most ordinary and insignificant things!  At the same time, I felt glad that I had taken those photos.  Because those images were nowhere close to being 'ordinary' nor 'insiginificant' when I saw them for the first time.  That feeling may never return, but the photos will always remind me of how I felt back then.  Another priceless item on the list.

The more secure you feel about the new environment you're living in, the more you crave to travel and seek that excitement of seeing things and experiencing things for the first time.  I don't suppose everyone will understand, but after pondering upon the subject for a while, I still don't have that spontaneity in travelling.  Rosslyn Chapel brought me to Edinburgh, and in return, I got a whole series of pleasant surprises.  Once I get used to Liverpool, how much effort will I need to revert to that feeling I had for the city upon my first arrival?  I can't do spontaneity.  Because I fear the gradual diminishing of that excitement of first-encounters.  Therefore, I must always plan ahead.

Since the Renaissance, all the way up to the 18th and 19th century, or even till now, the English has had a long tradition of sending young men to the continent to expand their knowledge.  Nonetheless, not everyone agreed with this method of 'education'.  Some saw that these young men absorbed nothing but the defects of other cultures.  Others thought that it was the only way a young man's mind could advance.  Some people suggested bringing tutors to act as guides and give guidance along their travels to solve the problem.  The consultation of guide books were also suggested to boost their educational experience to its fullest potential.

I started to ponder upon what 'travel' meant to me.  Does it mean 'education' or 'experience'?  The answer, I suppose, is that it is both.  You can't have either one with out the other.  Both have to work together in order to advance knowledge. 

That is why even though I have already been here for six months, the only place I had been to is Edinburgh.  I have yet to visity ven the nearby cities of Chester and Manchester.  I had so many reasons for not going places.  Last semester, I didn't know 'how'.  At the start of this semester, after finally gathering up enough courage, I now cannot spare the time, for all the places I'm interested in seeing are all so far away and need at least a couple of days.  Everyone kept telling me that I must make use of this chance of being here in the UK to travel around and see lots of European cities as well, but I simply can't!  There is so much, already, in the UK, in England itself, that I have to find time to see.  On top of that, there is so much more of Liverpool that I have yet to discover!

Thus you will know, that whenever I step out of Liverpool, that destination must have its special meaning, to me.

Written on a Saturday afternoon, with little else to do.




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