On the day I handed in my last assignment, my flatmate told me that they were going to have a barbecue later that afternoon. On such a short notice, I was actually quite taken aback at first. This was because after having released the pressure built up during the past two weeks, plus having completely ruined my daily routine, I became quite ill. I knew I wouldn't have the energy to walk around and find veggie stuff for the barbecue. However, my very generous flatmate informed me that she had prepared some veggie stuff, and that I was more than welcome to join. In addition to that, the sun had been out all week, and the first day of my release from hell, I had no choice but to stay in my room! I honestly don't think even the Lord knows for how much longer the sun will be out. Thus, being unable to find any excuse to turn down the offer, I agreed to join.
Another reason I agreed, was because this was yet another 'first-time experience' for me. It will be a whole year since I've come to Liverpool, and I still want to gain as many experiences as I possibly can. Therefore, I took the opportunity to come and see what English barbecue was all about!
朋友幫我準備的素料。Veggie barbecue
便宜的烤肉架。Cheap charcoal grill
The cheap barbecue grill cost only a little over a pound. It was quite easy to use. Just light a match and light up the paper, and wait till the charcoal is burning. However, because it was cheap, the fire went off pretty quickly, too. We had to relight it so many times. And I wonder how many people chewed down half-done burger patties that afternoon...
素食專用烤肉架。Veggies only.
聞到香味沒?Smell it, yet?
這位老兄很堅持... Very 'organised'...
我的素食烤香菇與halloumi 起司。Barbecue portobello mushroom and halloumi cheese.
某種瓜類與halloumi cheese。Some kind of gourd and halloumi cheese.
Although there were only a few options for me, I still ended up bloated. The bun and cheese really helped stuff my little tummy. Of course, other than the food, there was also plenty to drink. The sun does not set until nine in the summer. We started off at six, and by the time everything was finished, it had already gone well past ten. Some of the guys went off to the pubs after, but because I had been feeling unwell already, I went straight back to my room. After all the food and beer, there was only one more thing that needed to be done - sleep.
天仙念:結果自從烤肉這天後... 太陽就再也沒有這麼大方的出來過啦!!*泣*