After our morning show and elephant and ox cart rides, it was time for lunch. After lunch, we were to go rafting. So if you would like to visit Mae Thaeng Elephant Park, you really should leave an entire day open for it.
Okay, let's take a look at the lunch that everyone's so eager to see!
Buffet style
There was a group of Koreans there that day. The tour guide left some kimchi on the table for them. I wonder if it's because they can't do without kimchi for even just one meal?
All Thai-style choices.
第一輪。有炒河粉(pad thai)。
My first round, with pad thai.
And dessert.
One thing worth mentioning is the white thin noodles called 'khanom chin'. It's made from rice, and goes well with green curry or other types of the sort.
And then another bowl of kuey teow ก๋วยเตี๋ยว!
You'll see a photographer doing around taking photos during your elephant ride. When you come back for lunch, you'll find a suspicious person looking around, checking with the photos they have... They'll come and show you something like this, and honestly, if you don't want it YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT. But I guess most people would like to have something like this as a souvenir? Unless you've been here once too many times.
隨著我們搬家... 這張照片竟然離奇的失蹤了... 怎麼找也找不到!
As we moved to Taichung, this photo mysteriously disappeared!
After a little break, we prepared ourselves for our rafting trip.
You'll see other tourists still on their rides.
Seems like the place where they train the elephants to paint.
這是另外的Jungle Flight行程。大部分的旅館或青年旅社應該都會找的到資訊。提供給喜歡來點刺激的朋友們參考~
For those who enjoy somewhat more exciting stuff, you'll find jungle flight packages at your hotel or hostel.
They'll take pictures of your rafting trip as well, but it takes a longer wait. Since we had other things to do, we decided not to wait.歡迎加入粉絲團喔~
天仙念: 在泰國其實像這種行程,可以準備個50~100泰銖的小費。(老實說100有點多了!)但當天這個竹筏的導遊有點令我們厭煩因為一直在跟我說他們一般都會收多少美金的小費。我都用泰文跟他對談了還是把我當觀光客看得這樣跟我討小費,我就很不想給他很多!也算是整個行程裡面唯一小小的缺陷...