這是一間永遠人都很多的店。其實北大荒沒有很和天仙的胃口,但是他真的很夯。而且這是唯一一間在台灣竟然可以讓天仙辣到吃不完的麵... 舊文:http://celestechien.pixnet.net/blog/post/29989651 (椒麻麵)光是這點,我覺得就很值得再介紹了!
This is a place that's always crowded! It's not really my favourite place to dine, but people do seem to like it a lot! Plus, it's the only place where they serve noodles that's so hot... I couldn't finish the entire bowl! See old post: http://celestechien.pixnet.net/blog/post/29989651. I think that's reason enough to write one more article on the place, right?
Other than their noodles, their biggest selling point is actually their massive dumplings, despite a little messed up this time (the skin of the dumpling was a little overcooked).
It's not exactly the cheapest of the dumplings you can get, but these sure are big!
But I'd been spoiled by our family dumplings to enjoy the taste of any other kind of dumplings sold out there.
The soup we ordered that day. It's got pork slices and bamboo slices. Not bad.
I really enjoyed the spicy noodles, but I was afraid it was a bit too hot for a knocked-up lady. So we ordered something else.
I forgot to ask them not to sprinkle any spring onions. All the shreds made me lose my appetite, but that's my own fault.
The pattern of the beef was quite something. It tasted nice, too.
Not to mention the size of the meal itself! No wonder so many people enjoy coming here.
雖然不太合天仙的口味,但這家真的挺受歡迎的。喜歡吃辣的朋友,當然也可以挑戰看看他們的椒麻麵~ 期待你的感想!嘻~
But I really didn't like the sauce!
Despite it not being my favourite... the place is undeniably popular. If you like spicy foods, you are also welcome to challenge their spicy noodles! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!
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