天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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This is not my first visit to Nakayoshi. I've tried their conveyor belt sushi bar before, and I've also had their teishoku (set meal). I reckon the sushi bar has better quality, but the teishoku has more value (more filling). 


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天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()


約好時間以後,接著就在飯店等著人家來接。所以不負責任之一,就是我沒辦法用很專業的方式告訴你這裡要怎麼來。不過如果告訴tuk tuk,(應該)到的了吧!?

I had arranged to meet up with two of my best friends from high school upon my first night in Chiang Mai. I guess it's one of the many things that third-culture kids have to deal with - that you rarely have friends from childhood by your side when you're all grown up! They scatter all over the world once you leave school. Fortunately, these two friends came back to Chiang Mai after having spent a considerable amount of time in Bangkok. 


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meatbuntall1  meatbuntall2


There are two types of meat buns you simply must try when you come to Lukang. Don't tell people you've been to Lukang until you've tried them! Some say that 老龍師(Old Dragon Master, Laolongshi) suit the taste of the locals more, and 阿振 (Azheng) meat buns are for visitors. Well, I think what's more important is what you, yourself, prefer! These are quite close to Longshan Temple, and the Old Street. So they're not hard to locate! 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

**This article is in Chinese only.

天仙在家裡是出了名的雞肉控。不過天仙有個壞毛病,就是最愛雞腿跟雞翅。所以每次家裡只要出現全雞這種東西,只要看到雞腿沒了、雞翅也沒了,我就完全不想碰它了。這次家裡提早掃墓。當然也準備了全雞。因為祖先的墓在台北,家人一大清早就從台中北上。拜完之後不想再帶回台中,所以就請住在台北的我拿回家處理。當然,這次也是... 等我把它截肢,吃完雞翅跟雞腿之後,剩下的完全不知道該拿它怎麼辦!後來靈機一動!想到一個簡單的方式,既可以處理掉這堆雞肉,又可以輕鬆解決一兩餐!



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I've seen a few blog entries on this cafe, and had wanted to come and try it myself. Whenever we come to Changhua, we never had time to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee or a light meal. This time, even though my future-mother-in-law, without knowing I had other plans, had already bought us breakfast, I still insisted that we come! 


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The family took a short day trip to Kaohsiung during the Lunar New Year holidays. All we did in Kaohsiung was pay our dear Granny a short visit, then left. On our way back, someone suggested that since traffic jam was almost inevitable, we might as well enjoy ourselves by devouring the delicacies along the way back to Taichung. Our first stop was Tainan for their famous 'rice bowl cake'. My parents highly recommended it, but I'd never had it. Seeing that I don't usually eat pork, and that the previous night I was just sent to the hospital for bad tummy, I didn't plan to each much anyway. I got excited about this plan, only because I thought I got a chance to take loads of pictures for articles on the blog. 



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遇到冷氣團來襲的周末,唯一能夠覺得還不賴的就是可以躲在被窩裡睡晚晚。要不是這天剛好有事要外出,可能就會一整天窩在被窩裡吧!既然要出門,而過年期間也因為假期短,所以根本沒花到什麼錢。我們才有機會奢侈地外出享用一下早午餐。Cafe Cafe天仙並不是第一次光顧(舊食記附在文末)。所以信心滿滿的帶著蔡同學來到這裡。一走進店裡就發現不太對耶!怎麼跟我印象中的Cafe Cafe不太一樣?

The best thing to do in the morning of a cold weekend, is to stay in bed until... whenever! However, we had missions to accomplish this day, so we had to leave our comfy duvet and get out of the house. Since we had a very short Lunar New Year holiday, that meant we still had plenty left in our monthly budget. We decided to treat ourselves to a scrumptious brunch. This was not my first visit to Cafe Cafe (go to the links at the bottom of the article to see the old posts). I was quite confident that my companion would enjoy this meal! But when I saw the place, I was a bit shocked! It looked nothing like the Cafe Cafe I remembered!


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After my first visit to this Japanese place, and tried their cheese and salmon nigiri sushi, I craved for my next visit! I wanted to come back and re-take the photos, since I only had my phone with me last time. My friend and I were discussing where to eat, and she happened to see the last article I wrote about this place. We decided to come here, so I got my chance to retake these photos. However, I underestimated the place, thinking that it was a weekday, and that there were only the two of us, getting a table wouldn't be that difficult! We did manage to get a table, but we had less than an hour to dine. It was okay, though. We accepted the condition, for we really wanted to have the nigiri sushi! 


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