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目前分類:【英國】利物浦隨處晃 Around Liverpool (36)

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利物浦是一個不大也不小的城市。如果你想要去哪裡,靠雙腿都走的到。Albert Dock離校園差不多45-50分鐘的步行距離。我來這的次數五根手指頭還數得清。Beatles Story也是在這個區域裡。這天是陪老朋友來閒晃。陪他來這找找紀念品。順便也看看之前都還沒機會看到的地方。


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If you think that there can't be 'life' in a museum, you'd better think again.  World Museum Liverpool will definitely change your conventional idea of what a museum should be like!

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Music Autoplay - On


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維多利亞大樓於一八九二年完工。而且建築設計是由鼎鼎大名的Alfred Waterhouse設計的唷!人家可是設計鼎鼎大名的『國家自然歷史博物館』的設計師呢!這棟建築物目前在Listed Building當中被列為Grade 2,來頭可不小。一開始的利物浦大學所有的辦公室,教室,以及宿舍都在這棟大樓裡。目前已經改建為展覽館於博物館囉。

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I'm afraid I must show you pictures of the tiny Christmas Market here at Liverpool, before I post up any of the pictures of my trip to Edinburgh.  If you see these pictures after, especially the Christmas Market there, you would be so disappointed at how small a scale this is.  Nonetheless, I am quite glad that I made the effort to come and pay a little visit.  It is, after all, the Christmas Market of the city I'm currently living in.  It would be inexcusable for me to miss out on this!


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St. Luke's is also known as the 'bombed-out' church.  This is quite sad, because its historical value is priceless compared to the bigger, more glamorous cathedrals in town.  It deserves a better name.  At the moment, it is my favorite church, despite the fact that the largest cathedral has one of the biggest organs in the world, and apparently the sight from one of the towers is extremely breath-taking.  Since I have not set food inside that cathedral, yet, this old, 'bombed-out' church, will temporarily be my favorite one. 

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These pictures were taken last week, when I took a stroll downtown to China Town in search of food and inspiration.  The goal of the stroll was to take some pictures of a church, but seeing that it would probably take a little longer for me to put that together, I might as well share with you the scenes around China Town, first.

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The photos in this article were shot during a short trip to China Town.  As I was agonizing over my essay, I thought the best thing to do, next to staring fruitlessly at the computer screen, would be to walk out and enjoy the sun while it was still out.  It turned out to be a wonderful little walk.  And I am sure glad I had my camera with me.  The scenes of a bombed chuch and around China Town will follow shortly.  For now, this is I will share with you this short article with pictures I took of a nameless church.

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The church bells summoned the good weather last Sunday.  After noticing how wonderful the weather was, I decided that it was too good a day to waste away staying indoors.  It gets cold and wet during the week for days on end.  However, I have been lucky, because ever since I got here, the weather was always pleasant on weekends.

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St George's Hall is a neoclassical building which houses law courts and concert halls.  It is a Grade I listed building, along side Buckingham Palace, Royal Opera House, and Albert Dock, which is also in Liverpool, just to name a few. 

The building is situated near Lime Street Station, in the center of the city.  It is an impressive building, and I hope to God that I will have an opportunity to walk inside it [to attend a concert...] at least once while I'm here.

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The weather was great this day.  My friend, Sam and I decided to take a walk around the city on foot.  At the end of the day, I realized that the tour guide was right, when she told us that you can get around this city on foot.  I would have never imagined that Albert Dock was a walkable distance to where I live, but it turned out that it is, indeed, walkable. 


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As part of the International Students Welcome Event, the Guild and the International Support Team arranged a whole day of events.  This is one I think most of the students have enjoyed, and found helpful - a bus tour around the city!

Buildings on Abercromby Square. 

If you'll notice, the chimneys have little castle watch towers on them.  I find them very interesting.

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Sample Price Guide

pint of beer                                                £ 2.25

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Liverpool gets plenty of rain between July and January but the real winter season, when temperatures fall to 4°C (40°F), is November through to February. April to September is the most comfortable period in Liverpool with the temperature averaging around 18°C (65°F).

Average weather per month

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