1. Total Beatles Experience
來到披頭四的故鄉,想不參予一些相關的旅遊活動都不行!!雖然Beatle's Story門票貴,但物超所值。即使你只是"有點喜歡",還不到死忠粉絲,相信你還是會覺得很值得!另外,The Cavern Quarter裡的The Cavern Club疑每周四都有仿披頭四的模仿秀也是不容錯過的唷!最後,如果你恰好遇上一年一次的Mathew Street Festival,也可找找那專屬披頭四歌曲演出的舞台,享受音樂live秀!
Beatle's Story http://celestechien.pixnet.net/blog/post/24358301
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
目前分類:【英國】利物浦隨處晃 Around Liverpool (36)
- Sep 27 Mon 2010 09:33
【利物浦】你一定要做的十件事 Ten things you must do in Liverpool
- Jun 20 Sun 2010 22:13
【利物浦】Anglican Cathedral 英國國教教堂
Remember Easter, 2009? This was where I came to observe the Easter service. [Read More] The Anglican Cathedral is the largest Cathedral in the UK, and the fifth largest in the world. As I found out later during my final days in the UK, you simply can't go into a massive cathedral like this without climbing to its top and take a peek at the view from above. This is exactly what I did.
- Jun 15 Tue 2010 17:00
【利物浦】更多酒吧文化 Other Pubs
Drink Responsibly.
- Jun 14 Mon 2010 09:37
【利物浦】酒吧文化 Pubs on Hardman
Drink Responsibly
- Jun 11 Fri 2010 10:13
This was a day during my last days in Liverpool. Being a city by the Mersey River, it just didn't make sense to leave without getting a tour on the river itself. It was a great finale to my stay in Liverpool. I suggest that all visitors to Liverpool also find a chance to try it out. Find a nice day (I know it's difficult), hop on the ferry, and see the side of Liverpool that you can only see on a boat.
- Jun 01 Tue 2010 11:21
【利物浦】International Inn
I had one extra week in Liverpool, after I got kicked out of my halls. This was where I spend my last week. It was quite an interesting experience. As I've heard from other visitors to the city, that the quality is quite satisfactory, and the price is affordable, too, I decided this was the place to end my days in Liverpool.
- Mar 01 Mon 2010 09:18
【利物浦】碼頭夜景 Dock at Night
Cunard Building and The Royal Liver Building
Long time no see, Liverpool.
- Nov 20 Fri 2009 11:35
【利物浦】The Three Graces
Take a good look at the azure blue sky in thesse photos. I remember having already taken photos of the Three Graces, but then felt compelled into going back on this bright sunny day, because I knew they would turn out to be amazing!
- Jul 10 Fri 2009 06:40
【利物浦】Mersey 河邊景色
Albert Dock是一個複合了港區建築物以及倉庫的半封閉式碼頭。這個地區容納了全英國同區最多Grade 1 listed buildings的地區。Albert Dock的歷史可追溯到1837年。因為他封閉式的設計,使得安全性來說高出許多。也因此在第二次世界大戰時期常被用來儲存白蘭地、棉花、茶、絲、象牙以及糖等物資。碼頭管理者在大戰之後曾一度遇到財物危機。許多被炸彈毀損的建築物遲遲沒有重建的計畫。一直到了一九八一年,才漸漸的改為今日所見風貌。
Albert Dock is a complex of dock buildings and warehouses. Together, they comprise the largest single collection of Grade 1 listed buildings in the UK. The history of the dock dates back to 1837. The enclosed design gave it more security and as a result of that, it became popular for the storage of brandy, cotton, tea, silk, tobacco, ivory, and sugar cargoes during World War II. After the war, the owners of the docks faced a financial crisis. Plans for redevelopment of the dock finally took place at around 1981, and eventually shaped into the Albert Dock that we see today.
- Jul 02 Thu 2009 07:09
From the previous article, you should all know by now what this vehicle is. Well, then, it's time to hop on and see what Liverpool's all about. However, I must explain that because most of the sights on land had already been written before, I focused on the marine tour this time. I hope you'll enjoy it, nonetheless!
- Jun 29 Mon 2009 16:04
【利物浦】海陸兩棲 Yellow Duck Marine
We all live in a yellow DUCK marine,
Yellow submarine, yellow DUCK marine...
- Jun 28 Sun 2009 05:52
【利物浦】披頭四周邊專賣店 - the Fab 4 Store
the fab 4 store @ The Beatles Story
不曉得上次看了【利物浦】Beatles Story一文,因為文中沒有太多館內圖片的關係,是不是讓大家有種意猶未盡的感覺呢?沒關係!今天帶大家來瞧瞧披頭四故事館的禮品部。看看小小間的禮品部裡面販賣了多少披頭四相關的周邊商品!看到現在,大家應該也了解了天仙一慣的作風了:帶不走的、買不起的,全部拍拍拍!!拍下來。反正:_ _ ,_ _![自己填... ]
- Jun 26 Fri 2009 05:28
好像鄉巴佬進城似的,每次來碼頭總是會有很多很新鮮的事情等著我去發現。繼『那天我看到了帆船』之後,這次天仙來到碼頭你猜猜看到啥?[抬頭不是就有了嘛?耍北七喔?] 沒錯!就是機車!而且還是重型機車。然後還是非常非常非常的多的機車!
It's as if I've never seen the world! Everytime I come to the dock, I find something new and interesting to see. Last time, I saw a sailing ship, this time, I saw loads of motorcycles! And they're not just ordinary bikes! There must've been dozens and dozens of Ducatis and whatever...
- Jun 18 Thu 2009 06:14
【利物浦】Walker Art Gallery
攝於利物浦Walker Art Gallery。
- Apr 30 Thu 2009 00:12
【利物浦】The Cavern Quarter
來到利物浦,即使你不是披頭迷,也一定不能錯過最具有特色的Cavern Quarter。對於披頭迷來說,更是絕對不能錯過的朝聖點!Mathew Street就位於市中心。非常好找。只要找的到大型購物廣場Liverpool 1,就一定找的到。今天就來跟大家介紹一下Cavern Quarter到底有什麼好玩的。
Even if you are not a big-time Beatles fan, The Cavern Quarter is still a must-see for all visitors to Liverpool. And if you are, then there is absolutely no reason for you to miss out the Mecca for all Beatles fans! Mathew Street is located in the heart of city centre. It is very easy to find. If you can find your way to Liverpool 1, you will not miss it. Let's see what the Cavern Quarter is all about.
- Apr 27 Mon 2009 08:14
【利物浦】聖喬治會堂 St. George's Hall
去年十月,才剛到利物浦一個月時曾介紹過St. George's Hall的外觀。[點我看舊文]這篇分享的是從不同角度拍攝到的景色以及會堂內部。也順便看看經過了這麼一段時間,圖文的展現方式是否有所改變了?
My last article on St. George's Hall was posted in October of last year. That was only a short introductory article on the exterior of the hall and the statues around it. This time, there are photos of statues from different corners, and also photos of the interior. You are also welcome to see if any differences in tone can be observed between the last article and this one.
維多利亞女王 Queen Victoria, by Thomas Thornycroft
- Apr 25 Sat 2009 20:13
【生活】Coffee Shops
When I first arrived, I was quite surprised at the fact that Starbucks was nowhere to be found. To be honest, I don't really like Starbucks. But coming from a place where Starbucks is ubiquitous, it was interesting to see how hard it was to find a Starbucks here. There are two locations in city centre, but today I found this one, with a rather interesting decor, thus decided to share it with all of you coffee lovers and/or Starbucks lovers.
- Apr 16 Thu 2009 08:18
- Apr 11 Sat 2009 04:37
上篇【利物浦】Grand National 全國來賭馬一文中,大家最關心的...竟然是我有沒有贏錢。怕大家等太久,還是先來公佈一下答案。不過公佈答案前,當然要來看一下賽馬....
As it seems that everyone is dying to know whether or not I won some money, it would be cruel for me to keep you waiting too long. However, since I did take some pictures of the actual race, would you please take a look, before you scroll down to see the answer....
- Apr 09 Thu 2009 06:27
【利物浦】Grand National 全國來賭馬!
Despite feeling stressed out with course work, this was a chance I was not willing to let go. I really wanted to see what it was like at a horse race. Before this day, like everyone else who has never been to one, my impression of what a horse race would be like came solely from movies. It seemed like a place exclusively for the affluent. But what is it like in reality?