天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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Insatiable for more castle photos? This article is dedicated especially for those who had really enjoyed the coloured version of the castle.  Now, let me say no more. Enjoy the pics.

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Before we get into the castle, I'm going to give you all a treat. This is the English breakfast that we had before we went into the castle. As we just needed some morsel to last the morning, me and my mate, shared one portion.  But you still get to see what a typical English breakfast consists of.


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Does this chandelier make you think that I'm back in Europe?  Well, this was actually taken in Taiwan. No mistake. Rose House is a popular tea house famous for their so-called 'English style' tea.  When we decided to come here, all spotlight was on me.  As I had just recently returned from the UK, they were all dying to find out what I'd think of it.  The truth is, this is so close to my old uni, but throughout the four years of college life, I had not set foot here even once.  I think they've refurbished recently, and now I will never know what it was like before... 


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I wonder how many people dream of having their weddings in a castle. Is is the dream of all brides-to-be?  Even seeing it with my own eyes, it still feels very dreamlike. 


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Annie Princess was our next stop. By the time we got here, we were all quite tired.  It is another one of those places where portrait pictures can be taken.  But as my old camera is not very good at taking pictures of people, I didn't bother to take too many photos.  



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自從我的相機有時伸縮鏡頭時右上角會出現不明的黑條狀之後,也自從我在英國某相機店櫥窗外看到一台LUMIX,我日日夜夜都想著要是有一天能夠真的入手,那該有多好啊~~~ 各位朋友,人因夢想而偉大。雖然是小小的一台相機,他也是可以使得你人生增加不少色彩以及趣味的。所以就在肖想一年多之後,我終於、終於得到了一台Panasonic Lumix機~ 



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This was our second stop in Shinshou.  Lavender Forest is a lovely spot for those who wants a short escape away from the city.  But as we were here on a holiday, the place was packed with people.  The various picture shooting opportunities did compensate for the cramming, though, I must say!


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天仙絕對不是自誇。但是吃素以前天仙最最最拿手的菜就是『麻油雞』了。天仙的麻油雞可能是唯一一道可以稍微跟老媽煮出來的一較高下的菜... (其他還差的遠... )所以吃素以後天仙最苦惱的就是沒得吃同樣的味道。因為外面雖然有賣素的麻油雞。不過酒味不夠重啊!!一直到這天為了要把剩下的杏鮑菇處理掉,才終於鼓起勇氣嘗試做這一道『麻油菇』。結果沒想到他的威力實在是太強大了。不知道有沒有人想要挑戰?可以來電預約。一碗,算你五百就好 XD


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買了一大包杏鮑菇回來其實最主要是為了煮燒酒菇招待朋友。可是剩下的菇怎麼辦哩!?還好天仙之前也有試做三杯菇也有成功!(就是做出來自己敢吃+有全部吃完XD)所以隔天就拿一部份再來做三杯杏鮑菇囉!不過這一道好像還沒有別人嚐過。而且我做菜都沒再量份量的... 所以若是依照這份食譜的份量做出來不好吃,可千萬別打我啊!!!


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