天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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Along the whole of Yishu Street, there are all kinds of unique restaurants and cafes.  Some of them are well noted by their interior design, others by their food and drinks.  I thought this cafe should be acknowledged for both! Just by their name, they stand out from all the others - Yestoday.


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Note: This article is published only in Chinese (Traditional).


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Note: This article is published only in Chinese (Traditional).


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Only for about a month every year, are you allowed to listen to Christmas carols.  Every year, a different carol makes me want to listen to it over and over again.  I'd wanted to share 'We Three Kings' last Christmas, but as I was too busy handling course work and social life, I couldn't find time to write about it.  That's why it has been delayed until now.  Unlike the carols I've previously shared, namely, 'Once in Royal David's City' and 'In Dulci Jubilo', this one has less of a history.  Rev. John Henry Hopkins, Jr., composed this carol in 1857, New York.  A UK-fanatic like me, introducing a Christmas carol originating from the States?  Lord almighty, it must be one heck of a carol!

每一年只有大約一個月的時間可以聽聖誕歌。而每一年都會被不同首聖誕歌感動到百聽不厭。其實這一首『We Three Kings (of Orient Are)』在去年就想介紹了。不過礙於當時忙著兼顧學業以及社交活動,沒能來得及介紹。只好留到今年才與大家分享。這一首不同於前幾年介紹的『Once in Royal David's City』和『In Dulci Jubilo』,歷史上並沒有前面幾首來的要長久。作曲家Rev. John Henry Hopkins, Jr.在1857年的紐約創作了這首歌曲。天仙這個英國狂,竟然破天荒的介紹了一首出自於美國的聖誕歌,可見一定是相當好聽的吧!!

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I believe by now, everyone's had quite enough of Shakespeare and anything related to Shakespeare. That's quite alright.  I've prepared this article to come right after the Shakespeare series so that you could enjoy the sunshine, and exercise a bit.  This is the ubiquitous hop on-hop off tour bus!  It can be found in many of the major cities in the world.  Although the price is not exactly 'cheap', it is a rather convenient way of touring around a strange city.  It can also help you plan the rest of your trip more conveniently and more efficiently.


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Before perusing this article, it is recommended that this article be read first.



Due to his age, the King plans to divide his land to his three daughters, but first, he wants to know how much they love him.  The eldest and second eldest daughters flatters their father with words ever-so sweet.  When the time comes for the youngest to show how much she loves him, she has nothing to say.  The stubborn King thus divides his land equally between the first two daughters.  The youngest has no land, and was exiled. 

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Before perusing this article, it is recommended that this article be read first.



Hermia and Lysandar are deeply in love.  However, Hermia’s father decides to marry her to Demetrius, who had supposedly already given his vows to Helena.  Due to Athenian law, to disobey a father’s marital arrangement could lead to death, Hermia and Lysander decides to elope for love and to save Hermia’s life.  In order to put Helena’s mind at ease, the couple confides their eloping plan to her, but she, in turn, tells Demetrius of their plan.  

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Before perusing this article, it is recommended that this article be read first.



This is probably one of Shakespeare’s darkest tragedies.

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Before perusing this article, it is recommended that this article be read first.



This is a story about a prince’s vengeance.  

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