The family took a short day trip to Kaohsiung during the Lunar New Year holidays. All we did in Kaohsiung was pay our dear Granny a short visit, then left. On our way back, someone suggested that since traffic jam was almost inevitable, we might as well enjoy ourselves by devouring the delicacies along the way back to Taichung. Our first stop was Tainan for their famous 'rice bowl cake'. My parents highly recommended it, but I'd never had it. Seeing that I don't usually eat pork, and that the previous night I was just sent to the hospital for bad tummy, I didn't plan to each much anyway. I got excited about this plan, only because I thought I got a chance to take loads of pictures for articles on the blog.
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
目前分類:【食記】南臺灣 Southern Taiwan (24)
- Mar 05 Wed 2014 10:53
【食記】麻豆 - 阿蘭碗粿
- Jan 22 Wed 2014 15:21
【食記】三民 - 鴨肉和
There were two missions to accomplish during this trip to Kaohsiung: one was to attend the wedding reception of a friend, and the other was to visit my granny. When we'd accomplished both, my uncle suggested that we take a short trip to Dream Mall, but seeing that the buses in Kaohsiung were not that reliable, we ditched the idea. When we returned to the Kaohsiung station neighbourhood, it was a difficult decision to decide what to eat. I've seen my share of food blogs, but it was still difficult to come up with something at the time. That's why I decided to leave it to Google again!
找到這間鴨肉店評價還不錯。只是實際從車站走過去才發現其實這路程也不算太近。還好我們從旅館check out後有先將行李放置在車站的寄物櫃。因此半個小時內的路程都還算走的了。從車站走到這,差不多15分鐘的路程吧。對走習慣的我們來說,根本不算什麼。順便消耗一點熱量,好多吃一點。回程再走走,順便消化消化。
- Oct 09 Wed 2013 15:06
【食記】安平 - 輕鬆吃得起Elate Café的貴婦下午茶
For those who fancy pudding, I'm pretty sure you'll be familiar with the pudding of Elate. They are located in Anping district, and during this trip, I had specifically asked that we make a special trip here. However, we got distracted, and changed our itinerary at the eleventh hour. Want to know why? Why don't you read on...
- Oct 04 Fri 2013 14:34
Shortly after our brunch, we went back to our room to pack our things up. We were to meet up with another friend of ours later. For lunch. Yeap! I wondered, too: would we be able to eat anything else after that brunch? It was well after noon when we met up, and although the brunch had been a late one, and it was still, quite a brunch! Since I'm here on holiday, I might as well just forget about weight management, and just eat till my heart's content!
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:55
【食記】海安路 - 怪獸慢活早午餐
During our walk along the road the previous night, we walked pass this place. I suggested that we could do breakfast here. My friend agreed without hesitation. Initially, I didn't have any particular expecation. I didn't know if the food here was good or not. All I knew was that every moment spent with a dear friend, was worth cherishing.
- Sep 04 Wed 2013 15:08
【食記】台南 - 一串心燒烤.小炒
I never really do anything spectacularly grand or exciting when I'm in Tainan. However, every visit, even if I go to the exact same spots, the experience would always be slightly different. Sometimes the difference is caused by the company. Of course, this is, by no means, a bad things. Think this through: with different people, you get to experience exciting, novel, and tanquil Tainan with each trip. I just don't see how that can possibly be a bad thing. Of course, during this trip, there were new and old experiences mixed together. I've been to Hai-an Road before, but spending a night in an old house was definitely something new! Not to mention, a good friend was also there to accompany me through a wonderful meal.
- Apr 02 Tue 2013 17:07
【食記】高雄 - 阿榮熱炒之有很多十八天!
How in the world did I discover a place like this? Let's turn back time to earlier this year - during Chinese New Year's, when the entire family was down at Kaohsiung to visit Granny. After our visit, we wanted to eat something relaxing, satisfying, and not too pricy. But none of us knew Kaohsiung that well. So, I called up a mate back from uni, and ask him and his wife to give us some suggestions. At first, all we wanted was a place to eat. I knew their recommendation wouldn't let me down, but the meal turned out to be way above my expectations!
- Mar 13 Wed 2013 10:24
【食記】墾丁 - Chez PAPA 有個貼心老闆娘,應該改名為Chez Mama啊!
After putting my stuff down at the lodge, I couldn't wait to go exploring around Kenting. I was so excited I had forgotten that the only thing I ate that day was a tiny breakfast the hosts at Hualien prepared for me. When it came around to dinner time, I was starving! So famished that I didn't know what to eat! There were so many choices on the main street of Kenting! Too many choices! In the end, I chose a place that served exotic beer!
- Jun 11 Mon 2012 10:54
【食記】高雄 - 海之冰
This ice-shop is famous not just for their ice, but also the fully graffittied walls and, well, furniture. This is the famous ice-shop in Cijin, Kaohsiung. It's right by the ferry station, not hard to find at all. The weather has been scorchingly hot lately, and wouldn't it be great if we all get to have a bowl of this to cool ourselves off??!!
- Jan 31 Tue 2012 11:37
【食記】小琉球 - 中將海產店
Before posting Part II, I'd like you to take a look at our lunch first. It was already lunch time by the time we arrived. Knowing we would spend a lot of time walking in the afternoon, in addition to the incident of losing the ticket, food remedy was badly needed. We walked to a street with a lot of restaurants to choose from. We then decided to have our lunch at this restaurant. It was a great decision. Sometimes you get surprises like this during a journey. It can be quite awkward for two people to dine at a restaurant like this, as you won't get as many varieties of dishes. And only ordering one or two dishes can also be quite boring. The owner was, however, extremely kind. He suggested that we order whatever we wanted, and he would make a smaller portion for us, with a lower price for each dish, of course.
- Jan 11 Wed 2012 11:03
【食記】高雄 - 高雄婆婆冰
I have to admit I don't really know much about Kaohsiung. I usually go straight to my grandma's in the countryside during my visits to Kaohsiung. So each time, I depend a lot on my local tour guides to show me the unique places here. After our little seafood dinner, we picked up another friend, and went straight to an ice-dessert place, apparently very famous and popular. This was one of the few places that remained open after 10, so it was the perfect place for some morsel before calling it a night.
- Jan 09 Mon 2012 10:29
【食記】高雄 - 海味活海產
There are no pictures of the shop, only the food, but apparently this is the restaurant that the crew of the popular television drama 'Black and White' like to visit. Well, I don't know if the food here is really good, or whether it is because the seafood in Kaohsiung is a lot more fresh here, but it was absolutely delicious!
- Aug 06 Fri 2010 10:00
【食記】高雄 - Loving Hut
A friend of mine once recommended its Taipei branch, but unfortunately, I had never had the chance to go. This was during one of my short visits to Kaohsiung. I was only going to be there for a couple of hours, so I decided to call up a friend to have a quick lunch before continuing my journey. To be honest, it has been a while now, and I'm not sure why I was in Kaohsiung now. Most likely running a granny-related errand.
- Jun 28 Mon 2010 10:53
【食記】台南 - 新營豆菜麵
After surviving a month-long's work, I finally had a chance to take a trip and freshen up. This time, I came to Tainan and asked my friend to show me around. I had a deep desire to see places I had never seen before, eat things I'd never eaten before. And that pretty much sums it up. It had been a wonderful trip. Starting with a simple bowl of noodles.
- Apr 05 Mon 2010 10:17
【食記】高雄 - 金‧卡蓮西亞 querencia
The last time I saw me mates of the 'secret club' was a year ago, before my departure to the UK. Other than the one I saw during our last meeting, there were also two others that I had not seen for a long time. So what is this 'secret club'. Well, you probably guessed from the name that it's confidential. LOL!!!
- Mar 29 Mon 2010 10:04
【食記】台南 - 夯焦阿吧!?
This meal would not exist, if it hadn't been for my extremely high-spirited friends who had so 'considerately' forgot that their visiting vegetarian friend had not yet had dinner...
- Mar 24 Wed 2010 10:42
【食記】高雄 - 生活樂子
Someone said to me, ages ago, that the people that you go to college with, will be your friends for life. At the time, the idea was pretty elusive. After graduation, I still found it hard to believe, as everyone was dispersed into different parts of the country. How is it possible to remain friends with people who live so far away from you, and have different jobs? Well, after this day, I understood. It really depends on your definition of 'friend'. You don't have to meet regularly to call someone a friend. You can meet a person every day, but only consider them an acquaintance. But the people with whom you share common memories, who you think of every now and then, THEY are the friends that will always 'be' with you, because they remain in your heart until the end.
- Mar 09 Tue 2010 11:05
Every time I visit Granny, it's inevitable that I pass by Meinong. However, I seldom get the chance to visit the town itself. I always just go straight ahead to Granny's. This time, we had our own transportation and this allowed us to take unplanned detours and unexpected stops. The picture above is part of the Flower Festival held in the township between February to March (I think). When we drove by the first few patches, we were a little disappointed. However, we eventually found larger patches that was worth a stop.
- Sep 11 Thu 2008 21:01
- Sep 09 Tue 2008 21:07