天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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目前分類:【食記】臺北市 Taipei City (107)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

*Drink responsibly.



天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()


南港區有幾間鵝肉店名氣還不錯。這天跟友人來到人家介紹的『良美』。雖然這種店好像越多人吃越划算,不過我們兩人還是硬著頭皮跑進去吃。你瞧第一張圖片就可看出這店家的刀工。雖然我不常吃鵝肉,但就我吃過的幾間比起來,這間切的細緻多了!每一片的厚度均勻,且九成以上都是可以吃下肚的(有些會參很多骨頭之類的... )

There are a few places that sell goose in the Nangang area that are well reputed. This time, my friend and I visited 'Liangmei'. For these types of restaurants, it's a better deal to have a big crowd, but this time, there were only the two of us. If you take another look at the first picture, you'll see how delicate each piece is sliced. I don't visit goose restaurants often, but of the few I have visited, this is the only place that offers such a pleasing presentation of the dish. Moreover, over 90 percent of what's on the dish is edible (some would put a lot of bones on the dish). 

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I'm not trying to stall my 2010 UK travel articles, but it's not often that I get to update my Taiwan articles. So I thought I might as well use this opportunity to post them in a row, to remind people that - yes, I am in Taiwan.



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Okay, maybe we didn't have anything from the stalls you saw in the previous article, but we did have 'something'. And that something is the same thing that I had posted before in another article. This is a location of the same restaurant that sells herbal chicken soups, but one that I had not yet been to. Anyhow, the last article I wrote about this chain was only in Traditional Chinese. This time, even English reader get to enjoy this delicious cuisine! 



天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Even though the title of this article is 'Raohe Night Market', you'll see in the end that you have all been scammed! 



天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

Uni-Hankyu opened some time at the end of 2010. Since then, I had been there twice, against my will, and both on busy weekends. I was immensely annoyed with the crowd, but most of all, by how confusing the whole place was. I thought to myself: I'll never come here again! Well, on the weekend, anyway. 


Some time later, I came here again to dine with a friend on a weekday. This time I found it acceptable. Thus, this time, when a friend was in town, I decided to give the place another shot - since there were more choices of restaurants here. 

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This is actually the first time I hung out with my colleagues outside of work, since I started this new job in September. We had a lot of fun chatting. Actually, I had more fun watching and listening to them chat, but same difference. Anyway, we went to a Japanese restaurant, and at first we were going to order our own individual meals, when the waitress suggested that we order a set meal for 4-6 people. (there were five of us). 



天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()


才光跨完年就一連三貼食記,會不會太享受啊~ 不過剛剛好嘛!跨年前英國遊記正好到一個段落。下一個段落的照片還沒開始整理,大家就將就一下囉(是很勉強嘛!?)

This is the third consecutive food article that I've posted since the beginning of the year! Well, this is only because I have not yet had time to organize the next round of UK photos. So while you're waiting, this is what you can enjoy~ 

天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

The following article is in Chinese (Traditional) only. 



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天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

This was the weekend when the European Education Exhibition was held.  The universities in the UK used to have their own exhibition, better known to most as the British Education Exhibition. This time, they decided to collaborate and hold a massive exhibit.  There were universities and institutes from Spain, Holland, France, German, and of course the UK. Of course, as alumni ambassador, I felt obliged to show up and offer personal experiences and insights to those who were interested in studying at the University of Liverpool. Another alumna was kind enough to join me. So altogether, there were four of us at the stand - two alumni, one uni delegate, and one agent.

After two long, but pleasant, days of standing and answering questions, we decided to relax and treat ourselves to a nice meal. Coincidentally, my uni friend was also in town. So the three of us found this Japanese nearby and spent the evening together. 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()


Summer is not hotpot season. But somehow we both craved a nice pot of veggies and hot soup.  The night before my friend and I had too much fun chatting the night away.  She had come to Taipei to attend an event. When she woke up with a hangover (we both did), she called to let them know that she would not be attending. Only then had she been informed that the event had been postponed.  This saved her from the guilt of skipping the event, and as for me, the guilt of seducing my friend to skip the event.  


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I'm so hard behind my posting schedule because of the Paddington series. But, I think it was well worth it. Anyway, this was a small get together between a few friends, apparently to celebrate my relocation (back) to Taipei.  At the time, two of my friends were only in the process of preparing for their wedding, but by the time I manage to actually publish this article, they are already married! Woopie! Congrats to them!



天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()


From the earlier article on Grandma Nitti's, you'll remember that I didn't have very much to eat the last time I came. That's why I decided to visit again. This time, to 'eat'. 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()


I came to Afternoon Tea to meet two mates from Liverpool. I've heard of Afternoon Tea for a long while now, but this is, once again, the first time I had come here.  

這天來到Afternoon Tea,是與兩位利物浦的同學有約。很久以前就聽說Afternoon Tea的下午茶很優。不過到了今天我才第一次來,真是跟不上流行啊~~

天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

I've actually heard about Grandma Nitti's since ages ago.  My expat colleagues would always talk about how they'd come here, enjoy the food and chatter here.  Its location is actually not far from where I used to live.  At least it's quite convenient to get to on the MRT.  However, this is actually the very first time at Grandma Nitti's for me.  Unfortunately my lunch appointment started and ended late.  Plus we had a bit too much to eat, which resulted in the fact that I had little interest in any of the dishes on the menu!!

很早以前就曾聽過外籍同事說Grandma Nitti's很好吃。他們都很喜歡去那兒聚會、吃飯。其實離以前台北住的地方不算太遠。至少捷運可以到。但是不知道為什麼,一直到了這天,我才第一次進去這間餐廳。結果,因為這個飯局之前的午餐飯局有點晚吃,導致我抵達後對於菜單上的任何食物都不會感到太大的興趣啊!!

This is a gathering among me and my co-workers from my first-ever job.  We try to set one gathering up each year.  But because we all have different working schedules, it takes a lot of planning for each gathering.  Because of this, however, we cherish each and every one of our successful gatherings even more.

天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()


I detest finding venues to meet people.  Especially after becoming a vegetarian.  I don't like coercing people into eating veggie along with me, which makes it even harder to find a place to have meals.  Therefore, out of the six meals that came out of this one trip to Taipei, only one of them was set up by me.  All the others were set up by my lovely friends.  When I heard that we were having hot pot, I thought, Great! This way, he will be able to have as much meat as his tummy desires, and I can happily devour my greens.  However, it was not until I got to the restaurant, saw the 'zen' and 'Buddhist' style decor, that I realised the place was a strictly 'veggie' hot pot restaurant.

*To understand the concept of 'hot pot', you can think of it as 'Chinese/Oriental fondu... with clear soup (usually) instead of cheese or chocolate.  

天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()


I had no idea what to look forward to until I arrived.  This coffee shop is unique in every aspect.  I came here with a previous student of mine, who had studied with me for over three years.  She's now studying in the States, and I knew that she had come back to Taiwan for Christmas.  I called her and set up a date to meet, but I left the venue completely up to her to decide.  After having been a student a year myself, I told her when I met her, that I am no longer her teacher.  I'd like to think that the relationship we have is pretty much like the concept of this coffee shop - finding a balance in a lack of proportion.  I accredit the reason why we are still able to remain in contact with each other even until to day, to this reason.

天仙這天是在完全無預警之下來到這間無論是食物或是店內裝潢都非常具有特色的咖啡館的。原因是因為得知以前家教的一個學生因為美國聖誕假期有回到台灣,因此除了日期以外時間以及地點我都交給了這位可愛的學生決定。不過經過一年的學生生活下來,見面時我對他說:我現在已經不是你的老師了~ 其實我們平時的相處方式就很像這間店的設計理念:在不對秤當中找到一個彼此相處的平衡點。所以無論是在以前家教上課的過程還是我們雙方都遠赴國外繼續進修後,仍然可以將這段緣份一值維持下去。

天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

Note: This article is published only in Chinese (Traditional).


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