天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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目前分類:【食記】臺北市 Taipei City (107)

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This Thai restaurant is located not far from Housanpi Station. I wouldn't exactly label them as 'authentic', but the price is within a reasonable range, and the taste is truly, not bad at all. I have posted a review for this place some time back, but I was still using a crappy camera. Since (hopefully) my technique had improved, I thought the place was worth one more introduction. These pictures were taken during a meal about a year ago, but we've been having so much Thai food, I thought it was a good opportunity to get rid of these photos. Don't worry about the quality, because we'd been back many times since this visit, and proved that the quality was, in fact, very stable. 


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天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(20) 人氣()


當全台都在瘋全X芒果霜淇淋、全世界都在瘋Häagen-Dazs、Cold Stone等...,天仙心理念念不忘的還是小時候在清邁熟悉的Dairy Queen。上次參加Canada Day慶祝活動得知原來台灣已經有開分店了!這天像發了瘋似的直接跑來遠的要命的天母來一探究竟。當時看DM得知在天母設立第一間分店的時候,我就覺得真的是個好策略!因為這裡就離美國學校不遠。即使孩子們不知道,家長們一定都會知道。從這裡先開發市場,測水溫的策略其實滿聰明的說!開玩笑!這間可是標榜「股神巴菲特最愛」的冰淇淋店呢!

When the entire world goes insane over Häagen-Dazs or Cold Stone ice creams, the only ice cream I really missed was Dairy Queen. I used to have their ice cream all the time back in Chiang Mai. When I found out on Canada Day that Dairy Queen had already opened up in Taipei, we were so excited that we took this exlusive trip just to get a taste of it! They couldn't have chosen a better location as their trial... as this one was right by the Taipei American School. Even if the kids don't know about it, the parents would no doubt miss the taste of this scrumptious ice cream. There is no kidding in saying that it is, after all, Warren Buffett's favourite ice cream place (allegedly).


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是的!經過了好幾次的撲空,吃到了莫凡彼,也吃到了Ikea... 只差還沒吃到Hooters... (還有幾次根本都懶得紀錄了)這次終於被我們吃到了!



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So! After I'd had a small nibble of beef, I decided it was time to upgrade! This time, I was about to challenge an entire chunk of steak! I have the baby really takes after his/her father - I've been craving for beef ever since I'd had a bit of it! However, steaks at posh steakhouses were way beyond our budget. The night market cheaper steaks were covered in so much sauce that you can barely enjoy the original taste of the beef. So, we decided to go half way in between! We remembered this place that we had come across one time that had pretty nice quality beef at a very affordable price. And to really show its quality, I even brought my DSLR! 


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This is no Din Tai Fung, but I reckon it's still pretty famous. The first time I was here with my mum and some Thai friends. My mum heard about the place from her friends. At that time, I still didn't eat pork, so I didn't know what their xiaolongbao tasted like. After I found out about the baby, I started to lose interest in my favourite food - chicken. The books said that too much seafood might cause allergies, so I had to start eating pork for a balanced diet. So I had an errand to run in the neighbourhood, and asked my friend to join me this time, to finally get the chance to taste some yummy xiaolongbao.



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As it is almost Dragon Boat Festival, this post is a review of two types of rice dumplings that can be found in Nanmen Market. There are many kinds of rice dumplings, but no matter how much ingredient they try to stuff into the dumpling, I only fancy one kind - Huzhou rice dumplings, which has simply a chunk of meat (sometimes yolk). Another type of rice dumpling introduced here is one with red bean paste as its stuffing. Both of these were quite good! But be forewarned that as the festival comes closeer, it'll take a longer wait in line to get what you want! 




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Apparently, this was the result of a misunderstanding. We arrived at the place, and when my friend who picked the place arrived, he told us that he had wanted us to meet at the place next door. However, since we arrived early, I observed that these two shops seemed to be the same place after all. Plates were coming to and fro each place. Since we had not been here before, I didn't know the difference. I thought it didn't make any difference. 


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Originally, we were going to eat at this chicken place that was under renovation when we were there last time. I don't know what happened, but the entire shop was empty this time. There were only a few guys in the shop doing their stuff. Seeing that we'd already tried Movenpick, and that I still didn't want to go in Hooters, we had to pick another place. I then recalled seeing the menu at IKEA and thinking it wasn't as expensive as I thought it'd be. So I suggested that we try it out. 



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天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()


TGI Friday's 雖然是老字號的店了,不過算一算,這好像還只是天仙第二還第三次光顧。其實這裡要人多才好玩。這天我們人不算多,剛剛好四位。不過也足以點份套餐。

TGI Friday's has been around for ages. But this is only my second or third visit. It's more fun if you get a massive group of people. There weren't too many of us this time, but sufficient. There were four of us - enough to order a combo for four. 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()


因此天仙在網路上搜尋了一會兒,終於找到這間王品集團開的hot 7。網路上評價似乎蠻兩極化的。不過除了上菜順序有點問題,餐點本身似乎是還可以的。因此就與友人相約來這裡冒險。之後我聽格友說他一個月前訂才有位子。我們這天倒是挺幸運的!因為前一天才訂位,就剛好有位子。

Many of my friends from abroad has been to Taiwan many times. At first, it was easy to find places to take them. As long as it's some place with unique local features, they are bound to enjoy it. But after a while, it gets more tricky... Fortunately, my friend from Singapore has suggested that she would like some tepanyaki. That gave me some sort of pointer! But when I started to search for a decent place, I realised that the cheaper places were quite lame... (not the food, but the environment and what not). There were those, and then there were really expensive and posh places. I couldn't rely on my friend to pay for the meal! Even if we were going dutch, I had to find a place that I can afford!


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This is not my first visit to Nakayoshi. I've tried their conveyor belt sushi bar before, and I've also had their teishoku (set meal). I reckon the sushi bar has better quality, but the teishoku has more value (more filling). 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()


遇到冷氣團來襲的周末,唯一能夠覺得還不賴的就是可以躲在被窩裡睡晚晚。要不是這天剛好有事要外出,可能就會一整天窩在被窩裡吧!既然要出門,而過年期間也因為假期短,所以根本沒花到什麼錢。我們才有機會奢侈地外出享用一下早午餐。Cafe Cafe天仙並不是第一次光顧(舊食記附在文末)。所以信心滿滿的帶著蔡同學來到這裡。一走進店裡就發現不太對耶!怎麼跟我印象中的Cafe Cafe不太一樣?

The best thing to do in the morning of a cold weekend, is to stay in bed until... whenever! However, we had missions to accomplish this day, so we had to leave our comfy duvet and get out of the house. Since we had a very short Lunar New Year holiday, that meant we still had plenty left in our monthly budget. We decided to treat ourselves to a scrumptious brunch. This was not my first visit to Cafe Cafe (go to the links at the bottom of the article to see the old posts). I was quite confident that my companion would enjoy this meal! But when I saw the place, I was a bit shocked! It looked nothing like the Cafe Cafe I remembered!


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After my first visit to this Japanese place, and tried their cheese and salmon nigiri sushi, I craved for my next visit! I wanted to come back and re-take the photos, since I only had my phone with me last time. My friend and I were discussing where to eat, and she happened to see the last article I wrote about this place. We decided to come here, so I got my chance to retake these photos. However, I underestimated the place, thinking that it was a weekday, and that there were only the two of us, getting a table wouldn't be that difficult! We did manage to get a table, but we had less than an hour to dine. It was okay, though. We accepted the condition, for we really wanted to have the nigiri sushi! 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

雖說每座城市的車站周圍都是最熱鬧的,不過天仙卻鮮少來這附近。這天剛好有事來到這塊區域,雖然已經下午了,但肚子也開始餓了。附近選擇很多,但不想踩雷(這天原本沒有什麼冒險精神)本來想要選一間連鎖店,至少吃的安心些。後來因為第一選擇還須排隊(都下午了),懶得等就另外看看。走著走著想說前頭不是有Burger King嗎?Burger King分店不多,若今天選擇吃Burger King也算是挺新鮮的。後來看到這間平價日式料理,肚子已經餓扁了就把漢堡王拋到腦後了。一進去,才想說:這...就是原本的Burger King吧!?(這樣算有吃到嗎?)

It's always busiest around train stations. It's true for every city. But I rarely come to this neighbourhood around Taipei Main Station. We came here running an errand, and got hungry soon after. There were a lot of choices, but initially, I didn't intend to be adventurous. We initially picked a franchise, but we had to queue up, and I didn't feel like waiting. We remembered a Burger King nearby, then got distracted by this affordable Japanese place. It wasn't until we came in that we realised: this, indeed, used to be Burger King!



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*This article contains Chinese (Traditional) only.



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【飲酒勿開車.Drink Responsibly】


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