I'd seen pictures of 'Salt Mountain' before, and I had never imagined it to be so 'yellow'!! What we saw before our eyes was so disappointing, especially since we had driven for so long to see it, AND almost got lost on the way.
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
目前分類:【遊記】南臺灣 Southern Taiwan (42)
- Mar 26 Fri 2010 10:23
- Mar 22 Mon 2010 10:22
【台灣】高雄捷運美麗島站之光之穹頂 Dome of Light
This gorgeous piece of art work, Dome of Light, by the Italian artist Narcissus Quagalita, stands in the midst of the Kaohsiung metro, Formosa Boulevard Station. There are four parts to the work: water, earth, light, and fire, all of which depict the process of the universe. Seeing that the Chinese name of the station literally means 'Beautiful Island', I believe there isn't a better place for this artwork to be displayed other than here.
- Mar 19 Fri 2010 08:55
Photo of Central Park Station.
Since the completion of the Kaohsiung Rapid Transport, this is the first time I'd ever been on it. Compared to Taipei MRT, I think they were fortunate to have a model preceding them. The whole system seems clean, spacious, and comfortable. Probably because it was constructed after Taipei MRT, they made a lot of 'improvements', if you will, to the system. I actually enjoyed my ride on it very much, despite the inevitable faults that every system is doomed to have...
- Mar 11 Thu 2010 09:19
【台灣】六龜車站 懷舊篇
I've already presented this little bus station in two different articles with coloured photos. This time, with my new camera, I've decided to present it in a very different way. This tiny little station may not hold any significance, but to this day, it remains the main hub for the people in Liouguei Township. My memories of the station goes back to childhood, and all the way up to the first time I travelled to visit Grandma on my own. It is a station loaded with memories, and thus worth being captured again and again.
- Mar 04 Thu 2010 11:52
In this article, I posted a picture of the broken bridge, which was taken two months after the devastating typhoon Marokot. Now, after six months, the road into the village has become a smoother ride, but the bridge that had been washed away, remains far from being rebuilt.
- Mar 02 Tue 2010 11:35
『外婆她的期待 慢慢變成無奈
- Oct 10 Sat 2009 16:06
Why in the world would I be dragged to southern Taiwan within 24 hours of my arrival back home? Two missions await for me to accomplish. The most important mission was to visit my 87 year-old granny whose hometown had been badly hit by the typhoon a couple of months back. Although her house remained in tact, there was no reason to wait any longer to see her. After all, once you reach a certain age, there is nothing more important than having company.
Because I had just gotten off the plane, and although the high speed train had reduced a lot of physical pressure, I was still pretty knackered, and fell asleep on the coach from Kaohsiung to my grandma's. When I opened my eyes once again, I could hardly believe what I was looking at! The once beautiful, peaceful, and scenic countryside road had been completely sabotaged by Marakot.
- Sep 07 Sun 2008 22:58
- Sep 05 Fri 2008 09:25
- Jul 07 Mon 2008 09:41
- Jul 06 Sun 2008 11:33
- Jul 03 Thu 2008 16:47
【台灣】高鐵初體驗 & 大家來找碴 + 解答
- Mar 05 Wed 2008 23:52

- Mar 04 Tue 2008 23:46
- Feb 29 Fri 2008 00:05
- Feb 26 Tue 2008 15:44
- Feb 22 Fri 2008 13:03

- Feb 17 Sun 2008 23:55